Keywords: sorghum, varieties, hybrid, sowing rate, growth and development, yield parameters, yield.


Growing of crops in a certain agro-climatic zone is based on the effective use of exogenous factors and the optimal assortment of crops that can realize their productive potential under such conditions. Currently, the consequences of the stressogenic effect of increased temperature and drought are causing serious problems with the production of many traditional crops, in particular cereals. Sorghum as a stress-resistant crop is a promising analogue of traditional grain species. In order to study the influence of certain technology elements on the formation of sorghum yield in the conditions of the North-Eastern Forest Steppe of Ukraine in 2020–2023 (Sumy NAU), experiments were carried out to study the optimal sowing rates of different sorghum genotypes for growth, plant development and yield. Grain sorghum hybrid and variety (Yanki and Dniprovskyi 32), and a rice-grain sorghum variety of Samaran 6 were research material. It was established that increasing the sowing rate from 160,000 psc /ha to 490,000 psc /ha of seeds affects the length of the growing season and leads to its shortening from 5 to 11 days. The thickening of sowing affects the formation of the photosynthetic apparatus of plants: the area of leaves of one plant decreases (by 0.051 m2 – 0.086 m2), but the total leaf surface per unit area (m2) increases due to the increase in the number of plants. The increase in sowing rates to 490,000 seeds/ha has a negative effect on the formation of yield parameters, in particular: the coefficient of productive bushiness decreases, the weight of 1000 seeds, the number of seeds per plant and per unit area. The highest yield was provided by sowing rates of 165–330 thousand/ha of similar seeds, 4.26–4.29 t/ha (Yanki hybrid); – 3.51–3.56 t/ha (Dniprovskyi 39 variety), and 2.68 –2.02 t/ha (Samaran 6 variety). In terms of genotypes, the yield of the Yankee hybrid was the highest – 4.29, and the lowest – of the rice-grain sorghum variety Samaran 6 – 1.87 t/ha. To form a high yield of grain sorghum (Yanki, Dniprovskyi 39) and rice-grain (Samaran 6) in the north-eastern forest-steppe zone of Ukraine, the optimal sowing rates are 160–330 thousand/ha of seeds.


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How to Cite
KovalenkoM. О., & ZhatovaH. О. (2024). YIELD OF SORGHUM DEPENDS ON SOWING RATES IN THE NORTH-EASTERN FOREST STEPPE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 55(1), 86-93. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2024.1.12