Keywords: water bodies, aquatic resources, river crayfish, fisheries exploitation, commercial catch, reservoirs, loss calculation.


The exploitation of river crayfish has strategic importance for the development of aquaculture and fisheries in water bodies of Ukraine. In recent years, their exploitation has been characterized by stability and moderate growth in catch volumes, although there have been some issues with illegal harvesting. However, with the onset of full-scale military actions, damage was inflicted on fisheries, and river crayfish, vulnerable to sudden hydrobiotic changes, also entered the category of bioresources significantly impacted. The study thoroughly examines the dynamics of river crayfish exploitation from 2017 to 2023. Analyzing data from the State Agency for Development of Melioration, Fisheries, and Food Programs, it was found that crayfish catch showed overall positive growth trends until the start of full-scale military operations in Ukraine. Afterward, the catch decreased by almost 87-90%. The main water bodies where crayfish exploitation was based were the Kyiv, Kremenchuk, and Kakhovka reservoirs, where the extraction accounted for about 77% of the total catch in Ukraine. In the Dnipro-Bug estuarine system, the Dniester River with its estuary, the Kuchurhan Reservoir, and other water bodies, the total crayfish catch reached 10.752 tons. As a result of the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station, a large area of the shoreline habitat of river crayfish was lost, leading to the depletion of the industrial stock of crayfish in the Kakhovka Reservoir. The losses inflicted on aquatic resources due to the loss of river crayfish stocks were calculated using regulatory documents of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, taking into account the established fines for illegal crayfish harvesting. It has been established that as a result of the destruction of the Kakhovka Reservoir, the damage caused to aquatic bioresources due to the depletion of commercial river crayfish stocks amounts to 285 million UAH. Considering the research findings, it can be concluded that despite the heterogeneity of crayfish exploitation in the water bodies of Ukraine, a positive trend in catch dynamics was observed in the pre-war period. However, due to the military actions, major fisheries objects were reduced, and in the Kakhovka Reservoir completely lost, not only the crayfish fishery but also other aquatic resources. The calculated losses inflicted on aquatic resources will remain relevant for a long time.


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How to Cite
Marenkov, O. M., & Borovyk, I. I. (2024). DYNAMICS OF RIVER CRAYFISH CATCH IN WATER BODIES OF UKRAINE AND THE EXTENT OF DAMAGE INFLICTED ON AQUATIC RESOURCES OF THE KAKHOVKA RESERVOIR DUE TO THE LOSS OF RIVER CRAYFISH STOCKS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 55(1), 101-108. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2024.1.14