Keywords: ruderal vegetation, classification, restructurization, Danube Biosphere Reserve


The ruderal vegetation of the nature reserves, especially areas outside of absolute reserve zones, is a source of alien species that lead to the transformation of natural vegetation. The habitats across of the Danube Biosphere Reserve, which are in the stages of intensive formation, are characterized by successful development of ruderal communities. These processes are also facilitated by the excessive transformation of geocomplexes, in particular in the buffer zone and the zone of anthropogenic landscapes as a result of large-scale hydraulic engineering construction, and the transformation of the large areas in the estuary zone into agricultural land, quarry sand mining (Zhebriyansk coastal ridge), grazing, reed mowing in industrial extend, burning, reforestation (Zhebriyansk coastal ridge), recreation, pollution of the aquatic and terrestrial environment, etc. Based on the phytosociological studies of 1998–2021 and the analysis of the authors' vegetation plots using the modified TWINSPAN algorithm, the syntaxonomy of the ruderal vegetation of the Danube Biosphere Reserve was clarified and measures for constructive optimization of its territories were proposed. The distribution of the 25 vegetation associations and 5 unranked communities belonging to 6 phytosociological classes (Stellarietea mediae, Artemisietea vulgaris, Polygono-Poetea annuae, Galio-Urticetea, Bidentetea, Robinietea) was established. The main natural and anthropogenic factors for the ruderal vegetation formation are the type and extend of soil disturbance. The landscape geomorphology, soil composition, moisture and light conditions also have prominent impact. The peculiarities of the coenofloras of studied vegetation are high proportion of neophytes and considerable representation of native species of a broad ecological range. The proposed measures for the restructurisation of the ruderal vegetation included considering the most recent anthropogenic transformations (military changes, functioning of the grain corridor, the extension of rewilding, etc.). The results of the studies will be the scientific basis for monitoring and managing of disturbed ecosystems, improving the effectiveness of measures to restore and optimize natural vegetation.


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How to Cite
DubуnaD. V., Ustymenko, P. M., Dzyuba, T. P., Vakarenko, L. P., Yemelyanova, S. M., & Tymoshenko, P. A. (2024). RUDERAL VEGETATION OF THE DANUBE BIOSPHERE RESERVE OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE AND MEASURES OF ITS RESTRUCTURING OPTIMIZATION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 56(2), 24-33.