The study aimed to investigate the interaction of winter wheat seed mycobiota with various protective systems, including chemical and organic, to improve winter wheat cultivation technologies. Particular attention was paid to establishing the relationship between the use of protective systems and changes in the seed mycobiota composition that affect wheat quality and yield. The research was conducted during 2022–2023 on two varieties of winter wheat: Aliot and Emil. Protective measures were taken at different stages of plant development. Pre-sowing treatment was carried out one day before sowing, and spraying was carried out at the stages of growth according to the BBCH scale (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und CHemische Industrie): 21–29 (tillering), 37–39 (flag leaf), and 71-77 (milky ripeness). The seed microbiota was analyzed using a biological method with potato glucose agar to detect external and internal infections. For the statistical analysis of the crop data, the Data Analysis tool in Microsoft Excel was used, in particular, the analysis method of variance, which allowed us to determine the influence of various factors on the study's results. The results of the study showed that the weight of 1000 seeds depended more on varietal characteristics than on the use of protective systems. However, it was found that the composition of the microbiota of winter wheat seeds significantly depends on the type of protection system used. In particular, the chemical protection system had the greatest impact on the microbiota composition. It was found that under the conditions of dominance of the fungus Alternaria tenuissima, the use of protective systems leads to a significant decrease in its number and changes in the composition of the fungal complex. At the same time, a significant spread of Penicillium spp. is associated with a significant slowdown in the growth of winter wheat seedlings and inhibition of other fungal species. It was also found that there is a moderate to significant correlation between the number of Fusarium oxysporum colonies and the weight of 1000 seeds. This indicates the negative impact of this fungus on seed filling, which is especially intensified under conditions that favor its development, in particular during favorable weather conditions. Based on the results of the study, the importance of controlling F. oxysporum populations to ensure high quality and yield of winter wheat was established. The results emphasize the need for further research to better understand the factors that influence the interaction between microbiota and defense systems, especially in the context of organic farming, which is considered a promising alternative to pesticides.
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