The study presents the findings on the species composition of entomophages of the San Jose scale in the ecosystems of industrial apple orchards subjected to varying levels of insecticide pressure. The dominant species of entomophages were identified, along with their role in regulating the pest population. The research followed standard methodologies (Stankevych, 2022; Frewin et al., 2019; Brovdii et al., 2003) and was conducted during 2023 – 2024 in industrial apple orchards of winter apple varieties located in the Cherkasy region (Uman National University of Horticulture) and the Vinnytsia region (PJSC "Druzhba–VM"). The apple varieties studied were Jonagold, Idared, Renet Simirenko, and Golden Delicious. In each orchard, five model trees of each variety were selected, from which samples were collected. The results showed that five species of entomophages regulate the population of the San Jose scale in the apple orchard ecosystems. These species are divided into two groups: predatory insects, including Anthocoris nemorum L., Chilocorus bipustulatus L., and Chilocorus renipustulatus Scr.; and parasitic insects, including Aphytis mytilaspidis Leb. and Prospaltella perniciosi Tow. Among the predatory insects, Chilocorus bipustulatus was the dominant species, making up about 60 % of the total number of predatory insects of the San Jose scale, with a density of 0.5 – 1.4 individuals per tree. The level of parasitism of the San Jose scale varied between orchards with different insecticide treatment frequencies, ranging from 2.7 % in orchards treated four times with insecticides to 8.3 % in those treated twice. The highest level of parasitism (80 %) was observed in Prospaltella perniciosi, which parasitized both crawler larvae and adult scales. These findings indicate that, in the studied region, entomophages play a limited role in regulating the population of the San Jose scale under current agroecosystem conditions.
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