Application of rast electronic microscopy in cytohistological studies of flax

Keywords: flax, variety, mechanical tissues, hypocotyl, resistance to lodging


The article highlights the problem of lodging of flax due to adverse weather conditions. The features of the growing zone, the economic value of flax and its products are updated, as well as the damage caused by bad weather during the growing season. Flax resistance to lodging is directly related to the anatomical structure of the stem, but the authors specify that this feature is related to the structure of the submucosa (hypocotyl). The theoretical part of the article describes the flax fiber and its technological properties. Therefore, the purpose of the article was to investigate the cytisthistological structure of the transverse section of the subunit knee of stems of flax-gland by scanning electron microscopy to determine the resistance to lodging. As the object of research used varieties of Ukrainian and foreign selection: Gladiator, Merylin, Zhuravka, Kievsky 2. The weather conditions during the years of research (20162018) are quite characteristic of the area of the northeast Polesie and reflect the instability of hydrothermal modes of vegetation of flax-liqueur in this zone. Testing the experimental material of these studies over three years with contrasting weather conditions allowed us to objectively evaluate the responses of flax varieties to these conditions. To perform the tasks assigned to the job laid a nursery of a comparative test. The predecessor of flax was winter wheat after many years of herbs. The main tillage was carried out according to the type of half-soil; stubble peeling, plowing to a depth of 2225 cm, and two cultivations as weeds germinated to a depth of 810 and 56 cm. Slice studies were performed using a scanning electron microscope. The article presents the results of studies of the cytologic and histological structure of stems of varieties of flax-shoots of various degrees of resistance to lodging using the method of scanning electron microscopy, presents the structure and features of sections of hypocotyl stems of plants of flax – duckweed and also the average thickness. The authors carried out 250 measurements of the thickness of the cell walls of the sections of the submucosa. It was found that in flax varieties, more resistant to lodging, cells of conductive and mechanical tissues are not deformed, unlike unstable varieties. In addition, the average cell wall thickness of resistant varieties is greater than unstable ones.


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How to Cite
Vereshchahin, I., Kandyba, N., & Kryvosheeva, L. (2019). Application of rast electronic microscopy in cytohistological studies of flax. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, (3(37), 12-17.