Size characteristics of plants and populations Leonurus villosus Desf. ex Spreng spreng on the floodplain meadows of Krolevets-Hlukhiv geobotanical region
The results of the study of size characteristics and structure of populations Leonurus villosus are presented, which formed in various location on the flood meadows of Krolevets-Hlukhiv geobotanical region. Seven populations L. villosus have been researched, which are part of different groups. In the process, morphometric analysis and complex methods of statistical and mathematical data processing are used.
There search results of size characteristics of plants and populations L. villosus of their place of occurrence have shown that they have depending on the conditions, the regular changes of absolute size, architectonics of plants and size structure of populations. Found that the size characteristics of L. villosus essentially depend on the characteristics of the environment and phytocoenoticnature and with projective cover Elytrigia repens as dominant phytocenotic.
Size structure variety of populations L. villosus increases in the following sequence groups: Elytrigietum (repentis) bromopsosum (inermis), Elytrigietum (repentis) dactyleto (glomeratae)-festucosum (pratensis) (20.0 %) à Dactyletum (glomeratae) festucosum (pratensis) (24.0 %) à Bromopsidetum (inermis) calamagrostidosum (epigeioris), Bromopsidetum (inermis) variaherbosum, Elytrigietum (repentis) festucosum (pratensis) (32.0 %), Elytrigietum (repentis) lamiosum (albae) (40.0 %). Groups, dominated by Elytrigia repens, include a very significant variation values IDSS (within 20.0–40.0 %), while in groups with dominance Bromopsis inermis or Dactylis glomerata valuesof this index are within 24.0–32.0 %. By changing the IDSS values with gradient projective cover Elytrigia repens clear pattern is not evident (correlation coefficient between parameters IDSS and projective cover of this species are equal to 0.29 and is not statistically significant).
Considering all the above, as potential centers of regulated procurement of medicinal raw materials can be considered a population of groups Elytrigietum (repentis) lamiosum (albae), Bromopsidetum (inermis) calamagrostidosum (epigeioris), Bromopsidetum (inermis) variaherbosum and Elytrigietum (repentis) festucosum (pratensis). Plants are in their composition are among the largest in the size and produce a significant amount of biomass.
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