Methodological aspects of evaluation of ornamental woody plants of the Magnoliophyta division according the complex of morphological signs and signs of vitality

Keywords: arboretum, trunk and crown architectonics, species taxon, landscape architecture, landscape design, garden and park art, scale of decorativeness evaluation.


For the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the decorativeness of woody plants at the level of the Magnoliophyta department was considered. Methodologically organized group of features that directly shape the decorativeness of woody plants (trunk and crown architectonics with or without leaf cover; hereditary typical crown form with possible adaptation options; texture and color of the bark, frame branches and shoots of the crown; size, color and duration of leaf viability; size and color of flowers and inflorescences, as well as the abundance and duration of their flowering; decorative attractiveness and storage life of fruits and inflorescences; aroma of bark and leaves, flowers and inflorescences, fruits and compound fruit odors) and a group of indirectly influential indicators of decorativeness (damage unpredictable “negatives” of woody plants living condition; winter hardiness the resistance of woody plants and a set of unfavorable conditions in winter; frost resistance an indicator of frost impact on woody plants in winter) woody plants of Magnoliophyta division.

Particular attention is focused on the use of our 5-point scales that we have developed for assessing the decorativeness of woody plants on 12 morphological characteristics (trunk and crown architectonics, crown shape, bark color, leaf size (needles), leaf color, leaf viability, flower and inflorescences size, flowers and inflorescences color, duration of flowering, fruits and compound fruits attractiveness, fruits and compound fruits storage, aroma of odors) and 3 indicators of living condition (damage) and natural conditions of habitats (winter hardiness, frost resistance) of woody plants.

It is shown by the example of Betula pendula Roth. that the living condition of trees, bushes and climbing lianas of the Magnoliophyta division most typically manifests itself in the virginal, young, medieval and older generative stages of ontogenesis. At this time of growth and development, species taxa with their appearance, as a rule, are aesthetically positive and emotionally elevated perceived by most people. These stages of flowering woody plants ontogenesis are marked by a rather high, if not maximum decorativeness.


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How to Cite
Kokhanovskyi, V., Barna, M., Barna, L., & Melnyk, T. (2020). Methodological aspects of evaluation of ornamental woody plants of the Magnoliophyta division according the complex of morphological signs and signs of vitality. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 39(1), 42-54.