Reaction of very early and early mature varieties of potatoes to the external conditions of the north-eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine by productivity
The article presents the results of a study on the reaction of very early and early ripening commercial varieties of potatoes in the north-eastern forest-steppe of Ukraine in terms of productivity. The experiments were performed according to accepted and tested methods. Extremely high value of potato varieties in general and early ripening in particular to meet the needs of people rich in starch, essential amino acids, vitamins and macro-and micronutrients, which can be available to people for a long time.
There is a significant impact on the implementation of productivity among the very early varieties of external factors. With very few exceptions: Prada in 2019 and 2020 and Riviera in 2019 and 2020 did not match the rank of varieties.
According to the average three-year data, the very early variety Riviera was characterized by maximum productivity, but it also had the highest value of the coefficient of variation of the trait. Although the Duma variety was inferior to the mentioned variety in terms of average productivity, the value of the coefficient of variation is almost twice less.
The worst external conditions for the implementation of productivity in very early varieties were in 2020, which in absolute terms is 1.6 times less than in 2018 and 1.2 times than in 2019. The most favorable for the manifestation of productivity between the early varieties Madison and Tauras were in 2018, Shchedryk and Palace ‒ in the next, and Beo and Tauras ‒ in 2020, although the absolute value was different, respectively, 620 and 630 g/nest, 800 and 780 g/nest and 518 and 522 g/nest.
According to weighted average data, the best conditions for the realization of productivity among early-maturing varieties were found in 2019 (428 g/nest), and the worst – in 2020 (221 g/nest). The maximum value of the coefficient of variation of productivity over the years took place in the early varieties of Latona and Alliance, respectively, 94.9 and 93.4 %. The opposite was true for the Red Scarlet variety ‒ 7.8 % and some others.
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