Botanical geomonitoring of the vegetation cover in the recreation zones of the ecotourism object

Keywords: botanical geomonitoring, GIS-technology, ecological tourism, nature reserve fund, recreational potential.


The territories and objects of the nature reserve fund are the important centers for the provision of services related to environmentally friendly tourism in the Sumy region. As of 01.01.2017, the nature reserve fund of the region has 263 territories and objects with a total (actual) area of 176.7 thousand hectares, of which the national value is 19 objects with an area of 50.5 thousand hectares (7.3 %), of local importance – 244 objects with an area of 126.2 thousand hectares (92.7 %). The ratio of the area of the NRF to the area of the oblast ("reserve index") is 7.41 %. The largest recreational and tourist potential has the three largest protected areas of Sumy Region: Desniansko-Starogutsky National Nature Park, Getmanski National Nature Park, and the Seymsky Regional Landscape Park. Involvement of territories and objects of the nature reserve fund in tourism activity should be carried out under strict observance of environmental legislation, defined protection regimes and norms regarding volumes, intensity of recreational loads. Such activities should complement the monitoring system research, including using new technologies based on geographic information systems (GIS). It is expedient and informative to use such resources as Google Maps, EARTH OBSERVING SYSTEM (EOS), Public cadastral maps of Ukraine, etc.

The application of these information-analytical technologies and the results of the space monitoring provides an assessment of the dynamics of the characteristics of the biotopes and the spatial distribution of such investigated integral environmental parameters as the shape and perimeter of the protected zone of the protected object and the processes of its seasonal and long-term successional changes.

Provided that a service network is created, tourist ecological routes with use of forest recreational ecosystems to the northeast of Sumy may be interesting. The introduction of information technologies into the system of natural protected areas will significantly affect the observance of the regime of protection of territories and objects of the ecological network and will allow to improve measures on environmental monitoring and background monitoring.

A promising area of geomonitoring is the creation of GIS-forms of natural-protected fund objects that combine the collection, storage, processing, access, display and distribution of spatial data, allows you to store, make changes, analyze and monitor their condition in a consistent manner. The exploitation of these databases with system monitoring of zoned and ordered complexes will allow to remove uncontrolled recreational loads for a significant part of natural groups and ensure their effective use on the basis of sustainable development.


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How to Cite
Bashtovyi, M., Skliar, V., Kyrylchuk, K., & Skliar, Y. (2019). Botanical geomonitoring of the vegetation cover in the recreation zones of the ecotourism object. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, (4(38), 54-60.