Keywords: phytodiversity, environment, ecological tourism, human ecology, natural landscapes


The paper presents the results of studying the phytodiversity of natural complexes of the Syrovatka river valley between the villages of Verkhnya Syrovatka and Novoselytsia of Sumy district. It is shown that this area is characterized by significant species wealth: here grow plants that have different ranks of protection (regional, state, international). The group of species of international protection is the largest and includes about 50 species. It is formed by plants included in the IUCN Red List. Almost all of them (except one) have a low protection status (LC – are at the lowest risk). Among the species included in the "Red Book of Ukraine", a small population of Iris pineticola Klokov was found, and among the plants presented in the "List of species subject to special protection in the Sumy region" - Salix rosmarinifolia L. and Crataegus ucrainica Pojark. The coenotic diversity represented by groups of aquatic, air-water, meadow and forest vegetation is also significant. Rich phytodiversity in combination with the flatness of the territory and whiteness to the settlements, including the city of Sumy, form an objective basis for the involvement of this area in tourism, recreation and environmental education. The most promising is the introduction of eco-tourism, which combines economic, social and environmental issues. In order to deepen knowledge about the formation, current state and dynamics of development of natural complexes of the Syrovatka river valley, it is necessary to continue geobotanical and zoological research of the territory. In addition, it is advisable to bring the forest into an aesthetically pleasing condition, in particular, to remove landfills. Taking into account the rich biodiversity of the territory, it is expedient to consider the issue of granting this territory environmental status with the choice of a category that will improve both the protection of flora and fauna and provide opportunities for recreational and tourist activities.


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How to Cite
Skliar, V. G., Tykhonova, O. M., Kyrylchuk, K. S., Klymenko, H. O., Onoprienko, V. P., Bondarieva, L. M., Trotska, S. S., & Klimenko, J. O. (2022). STUDY OF PHYTODIVERSITY OF THE SYROVATKA RIVER VALLEY WITH THE PERSPECTIVE OF USING ITS NATURAL COMPLEXES IN ECOLOGICAL TOURISM. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 45(3), 45-51.