Keywords: vesicular-arbuscular fungi, plant bacteria, yield, biological products, root application.


Purpose. To find out the effect of mycorrhization of the root system of cereal bioenergy crops – giant miscanthus and switchgrass – on the accumulation of dry biomass. Methods. Field, laboratory, and statistical. Results. According to the research data, application of vesicular-arbuscular fungi Tuber melanosporum VITTAD. and Trichoderma harzianum RIFAI (biological products Mycofriend and Mikovital) and Bacillus subtilis Cohn. (biological product Florobacillin) for seed treatment contributes to a significant increase in the accumulation of dry biomass in cereal bioenergy crops, such as switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) and giant miscanthus (Miscanthus × gigantheus). In particular, in the treatments with Mycofriend (fungus Trichoderma harzianum RIFAI), the yield of dry biomass in switchgrass was 10.57 t/ha, which is 29.3 % higher than in the control. In the treatments with Florobacillin (bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn.) and Mikovital (fungus Tuber melanosporum VITTAD.), the yield was higher by 13.1 t/ha (22.8 %) than in the control. The yield of dry biomass of giant miscanthus in the treatments with Mycofriend (Trichoderma harzianum RIFAI) was 34.9 t/ha, which is 21.0 % higher than in the control. In the treatments with Florobacillin (bacteria Bacillus subtilis Cohn.) and Mikovital (fungus Tuber melanosporum VITTAD.), the yield was by 6.0 t/ha (14.2 %) higher than in the control. Conclusions. Root application of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria contributes to a significant increase in the accumulation of dry biomass of cereal bioenergy crops – switchgrass and giant miscanthus. In the experiments with root application of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the photosynthetic potential was 4.0–21.9 % higher than in the control. In the experiments with root application of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the net productivity of photosynthesis was 3.6–22.0 % higher than the control. In the experiments with root application of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, the leaf area was 4.2–19.0 % higher than in the control. In the experiments with root application of mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogenfixing bacteria, the mass of leaves was 7.8–28.6 % than in control.


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How to Cite
Dymytrov, S. H., & Sabluk, V. T. (2022). INCREASE IN THE ACCUMULATION OF DRY BIOMASS OF CEREAL BIOENERGY CULTURES WITH MYCORIZATION OF THEIR ROOT SYSTEM. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 46(4), 3-8.