Keywords: system, method and depth of soil tillage, bulk density, water permeability, energy intensity.


The results of experimental studies of the influence of various methods and depth of basic soil tillage against the background of three fertilization systems in crop rotation on the productivity of agricultural crops and the energy efficiency of technologies for their cultivation are covered in the article. The purpose of the article was to define conformities to law of forming of agrophysics properties of dark-chestnut soil, productivity of agricultural cultures of 4-fields crop rotation, to economic and power efficiency of technologies of their growing on a background the minimized systems of basic tillage and fertilizer in the conditions of irrigation of South of Ukraine. Methods: field, quantitative-weight, visual, laboratory, computational-comparative and mathematical-statistical methods using generally recognized in Ukraine methods and guidelines Results. System of the basic differentiated tillage which is based on plowless shallow tillage which combines with one slotting on 38–40 cm for a rotary press on a background provided the power cost cutting as compared to the different depth ploughing on 53,5 % and assisted optimization of agrophysics properties and water mode of soil, creating terms for realization of the genetically conditioned potential of productivity of sorts and hybrids. On average, over the years of research, it was established that the highest yield in crop rotation was ensured by the application of fertilizers with a dose of N120P60 per hectare of crop rotation area, against the background of plowing on different depths and differentiated systems of basic tillage. Thus, the yield of grain corn was, respectively, 14,44 and 14.82 t/ha, soybean – 4,31 and 4,34 t/ha, winter wheat 6,81 and 6,90 t/ha and grain sorghum – 7,09 and 7,70 t/ha The lowest technological costs were established in the version with disc-tillage by 12–14 cm in the system at the singledepth basic tillage without mineral fertilizers – 53,2 GJ/ha. Conclusion: the highest productivity on the energy capacity of harvest of crops of crop rotation was provided by differentiated - 1 system of basic tillage with one slotting (38-40 cm) for a crop rotation on a background the оrgano-mineral system of fertilizer with the use of side products of cultures of crop rotation and dose of mineral fertilizers of N120P60 with an index 159,5 GJ and power coefficient 2,05.


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How to Cite
Maliarchuk, M. P., Granovska, L. M., Pysarenko, P. V., Maliarchuk, A. S., & Tomnitskiy, A. V. (2022). PRODUCTIVITY OF THE ROW CROP ROTATION AT DIFFERENT SYSTEMS OF BASIC TILLAGE AND FERTILIZER IN THE CONDITIONS OF IRRIGATION OF SOUTH OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 46(4), 33-41.