Keywords: soybean, plant breeding, hybrid populations, heterosis, inheritance, degree of dominance.


In modern plant breeding, the main goal is to accelerate the introduction of varieties into production. To create such varieties, it is necessary to update and study the new genefund of soybean, to continue the search for sources and donors of economically valuable traits, to identify the characteristics of trait inheritance, to optimize methods of evaluation and creation of new source material. The main method of soybean breeding is intraspecific hybridization followed by individual selection in hybrid populations. The success of the work largely depends on the correct selection of parental pairs for crossing. The article summarizes the results of research (2014–2016) on the manifestation of the effect of heterosis and the inheritance of the main productivity traits and the duration of the period vegetation in 11 hybrid populations (F1) of soybean. Hybridological analysis revealed that inheritance of seed productivity traits in F1 hybrids is quite complex, the manifestation of which depends significantly on the on the genetic characteristics of the parental components. Heterosis inheritance is was observed in the greater number of F1 hybrids according to weight of seed per a plant, number of beans and number of seeds per a plant. The nature of inheritance of period vegetation duration is different from the type of inheritance of the main traits of seed productivity, the intermediate inheritance is observed in most cases. If it is necessary to create early-ripening forms, it is better to use more early-ripening genotypes in crossing, so that they do not differ significantly in the duration of the period vegetation. In the first generation, inheritance of period vegetation duration by the intermediate type in 9 hybrid combinations (82 %). By weight of seed per a plant in 8 hybrid combinations – overdominance (73 %). By number of beans and seeds per a plant in 7 hybrid combinations overdominance was observed (63 %). According to the traits “seed weight per a plant”, “number of seeds per a plant”, “number of beans per a plant”, the high level of heterosis was seen in the following hybrid combinations: Zlata (RUS) / Adamos (UKR), OAC Vision (CAN) / Adamos (UKR); OAC Vision (CAN) / Almaz (UKR); Ustia (UKR) / Slaviia (RUS), LF-8 (POL) / Аlmaz (UKR), LF-8 (POL) / KyVin(UKR); Lada (RUS) / Mriia (UKR), Gaillard (CAN) / Khvylia (UKR). The highest level of heterosis in the first-generation hybrids was observed hybrid combinations: OAC Vision (CAN) / Аdamos (UKR); OAC Vision (CAN) / Аlmaz (UKR); Ustia (UKR) / Slaviia (RUS) by the productivity elements.


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How to Cite
Rybalchenko, A. M. (2022). MANIFESTATION OF HETEROSIS AND DEGREE OF PHENOTYPIC DOMINANCE BY ELEMENTS OF PRODUCTIVITY AND DURATION OF PERIOD VEGETATION IN F1 SOYBEAN. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 46(4), 62-67.