Vitality structure of cenopopulations Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. under the conditions of Krolevets-Hlukhiv geobobotanical region
The research results of the vitality structure of coenopopulations of Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. of various habitats on bottomland meadows of Krolevets-Hlukhiv geobotanical region are represented. The researches have been run since 2014 till 2019. The population analysis was used for six cenopopulations Melilotus officinalis (L.) Pall. They formed in the cenoses with dominating such species as Festuca pratensis Huds., Elytrigia repens L., Phleum pratense L., Artemisia vulgaris L., Achillea submillefolium Klokov & Krytzka, Chelidonium majus L., Convolvulus arvensis L.
The set of methods was used for statistical and mathematical processing of primary morphometric data. Based on the results of correlation and factor analysis, as key morphoparametres that determine vitality of M. officinalis individuals were selected: phytomass of the individual (W, g ), height (H, sm), and area of the leaf surface (A, sm2). These figures are part of different correlation pleades, high variation and show a high factor loads.
All key morphometric parameters mentioned above were used for the determination of the correlation of various individuals of the vitality of plants in every species populations. The quality population index (Q) was performed as an integral evaluation index of the vitality population. With the help of this index all populations were divided into three categories: prosperous, balanced or depressive.
The value of the quality index of the researched populations varied from 0.1000 to 0.5000, so they reached their maximum. Also, in one of the thriving populations (from the cenosis Elytrigietum (repentis) artemisiosum (vulgaris)), were represented only individuals of the highest (class “a”) vitality. It should be noticed that both thriving populations formed in phytocenoses with the dominance of cereals and the co-domination of motley grass.
Based on the results of vitality analysis, it was found that populations from the conenoses of Elytrigietum (repentis) alchemillosum (submillefolium), Elytrigietum (repentis) artemisiosum (vulgaris). And populations from the conenoses of Festucetum (pratensis) elytrigiosum (repenstis) and Chelidonietum (majus) convolvulosum (arvensis) with the value of the quality index Q 0.2000 and 0.2333 can be considered as potential localities for harvesting of medicinal plants. Also, it should be noticed that the last two populations require particularly detailed monitoring of their population structure. The use of these populations must be stopped in the case of the shortening of their population quality index or other characteristics.
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