Keywords: agroecosystems, biotechnologies, productivity of agricultural crops, environmentally friendly products, soil quality


Extensive system of agriculture applying mineral fertilizers and pesticides has caused ecological imbalance in agroecosystems, soil degradation, negative consequences in the biosphere and problems of food safety. The research establishes that application of biological preparations and plant growth regulators in crop production is a promising trend in agriculture ensuring high potential of agricultural production with a minimal impact on agro-ecosystems. The purpose of the study is to determine effectiveness of application of bio-preparations and plant growth regulators for growing agricultural crops in the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. The research was conducted using field, analytical, economic-statistical, comparative and abstract-logical methods. The study on productivity of agricultural crops under arid conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine was based on application of the plant growth regulators Hreinaktyv С and Nano-Hro. The highest increase in winter wheat grain yield was identified in the crops treated three times with Hreinaktyv С at the stage of tillering, flag leaf emergence and grain filling (3.2 c/ha, 18 %). In this case the greatest effect was observed in the crops treated at the stage of tillering, where an increase in the yield was 2.9 c/ha, +16 % to the control variant. Treatment of the crops at the stage of a flag leaf contributed to an increase in the yield by 0.7 c/ha (4 %), and at the stage of grain filling – by 0.8 c/ha (4.5 %). Pre-sowing treatment of sunflower hybrid seeds with Nano-Hro and treatment of the crops at the growing stage (before a flowering stage) resulted in an equal increase – by 0.9 c/ha of seeds (+12 % to the control variant). An increase in the yield was only 0.32 c/ha (4 %) when sunflower crops were treated after flowering. The highest increase in the sunflower yield was observed when the crops were treated three times at the mentioned development stages being 1.6 c/ha (+22 % to the control variant). A positive effect of the preparation was identified at the initial stages of the industrial crop development due to the growth of the root system and an increase in absorption of nutrients from the soil. The research establishes that the preparation Hreinaktyv С is environmentally friendly, it decomposes quickly in soil, does not cause an effect of adaptation and reduces a risk of plant diseases, has a positive impact on agricultural crop productivity. Pre-sowing treatment with the plant growth stimulator Nano-Hro contributes to immune effect of plants, increases their resistance to unfavorable weather conditions, decreases pesticide loads on soils and protects against pests.


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How to Cite
Almashova, V. S., & Skok, S. V. (2022). EFFECTIVENESS OF APPLICATION OF BIOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS FOR GROWING AGRICULTURAL CROPS IN THE SOUTHERN STEPPE ZONE OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 11-17. https://doi.org/10.32845/agrobio.2022.1.2