Keywords: climate change, warming, organic carbon, carbon dioxide production, soil respiration, microbiological activity


The article analyzes the research of the main processes associated with the transformation of organic matter on reclaimed soils of the Western Polissya region of Ukraine. An analysis of changes in climatic conditions in the study area over the past decades was also conducted and the impact of these changes on soil productivity was determined. The process describes the problem of organic carbon loss associated with current global warming trends, as rising average annual air temperatures increase the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions from the soil, leading to poor fertility and even loss of humus. Measurement of the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions from the soil surface was performed on different types of reclaimed soils, namely: sod-podzolic, peat and meadow-swamp, using a portable gas analyzer Testo 535. One of the conditions for the research is the state of these soils for different agricultural purposes, so the research was conducted on: virgin lands, partially disturbed lands set aside for growing berries, including blueberries, plowed lands for agricultural use. Studies have also been conducted to determine the microbiological activity of the soil cover, as this indicator directly affects the productivity of the fertile layer, as microbiological activity includes metabolic processes and reactions that occur in the soil layer involving microflora and microfauna. In particular, studies were conducted to determine the activity of cellulosolytic microorganisms by the method of intensity of decomposition of linen E.M. Mishustin on organogenic and mineral soils for various agricultural purposes. Listed several of recommendations for the regulation of organic carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, which are primarily related to the emission of carbon dioxide from the soil into the atmosphere. The recommended measures are aimed at slowing down the decomposition processes of decomposition of organic compounds in the soil and improving the conditions for their consolidation.


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How to Cite
Gavryliuk, V. A., & Melymuka, R. Y. (2022). CARBON GAS EMISSIONS AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY OF SOILS UNDER DIFFERENT AGRICULTURAL PURPOSES IN CONDITIONS OF WESTERN POLISSIA. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 42-47.