Keywords: the north-eastern Ukraine, modern state, the seymska population, Desmana moschata L


Russian Desman (Desmana Moschata L.) is endemic form on the East European Plain and the most ancient representative of modern European fauna. This animal is under the strict protection. The International Union of nature protection included Russian Desman`s to the species that are under the threat of disappearance (Endangered, EN). This animal was added to the European red list as vulnerable species (Vulnerable, V). Additionally, it was described in Appendix II (fauna species that need to be strictly defended) of the Berne Convention (Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats). Russian Desman was included to the Red Book of Ukraine with relict endangered status. In course of study, literature sources, reports of the research expeditions, acts about the Russian Desman`s living territory observations and its detection in Sumy region, archival documents of the Nature Protection Fund and Bioresources section of the Department of Security of Natural Resources and Energy of Sumy Regional State Administration were processed. Article contains information about the history of D.moschata population formation in the north-eastern Ukraine on the territory of Putyvl district, Sumy region. It is reported that seymska population of Russian Desman has historical connection with the population of this animal in Kursk region, the Russian Federation. From the Russian territory it has naturally expended the living area to the lakes, reclamation canals and other water objects in the floodplain of the river Seym on the territory of Ukraine. For today, it is the unique Ukrainian population of D.moschata. Earlier there were dniprovska and the siversko-donetska populations, but they became extinct in the middle and in the end of XX century. Seymska population of Russian Desman is extremely fragmented and counts approximately 300-500 animals. Its structure should be divided into 3 areas: seymska – the biggest one, located in the floodplain of the river Seym; vyrivska – it covers the floodplain of the river Vyr that is the left tributary of the Seym; klevenska – it covers the floodplain of the river Kleven that is the right tributary of the Seym. Generally, population experiences a very inhibited state and suffers from an excessive anthropogenic pressure.


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How to Cite
YemetsО. М., Demenko, V. M., Burdulanyuk, A. O., Rozhkova, T. O., & Tatarynova, V. I. (2022). RUSSIAN DESMAN (DESMANA MOSCHATA L.) – RELIC INSECTIVOROUS IN REGIONAL LANDSCAPE PARK «SEIMSKY». Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 48-57.