The article analyzes the adaptive responses of the fish blood to the chronic heavy metal intoxication. The research was conducted on two sections of the Zaporizhzhia (Dnipro) Reservoir with varying degrees of toxic pollution. The fish (Prussian carp and silver bream) were used for the experiments. They are widespread in the freshwater reservoirs, have different diets and habitats. In the fish, morphometric parameters of erythrocytes were determined, cell pathologies and changes in the leukocyte formula were analyzed. The results of the research showed that the fish from the contaminated area credibly had the increased the area of the erythrocyte nuclei, the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio, increased percentage of the young blast forms, increased number of erythrocytes with the pathological phenomena (poikilocytosis, hypochromia, karyopyknosis, micronuclei, nuclear shadows, amitosis); the number of leukocytes probably increased due to segmental forms and monocytes. Thus, the increase in thbe young forms of erythrocytes and the activation of granulopoiesis can be regarded as the adaptive responses of the fish blood to the chronic heavy metal intoxication. The increased intoxication of the fish with heavy metals was indicated by the leukocyte intoxication index, which increased in the Prussian carp in the contaminated area by 39 %, in the silver bream – by 48 %. The reactions of the Prussian carp and silver bream blood to the effects of toxicants were the same, but differences in in the leukocyte formula of the Prussian carp from contaminated and relatively clean areas were more pronounced. Under the conditions of intoxication in the blood of the Prussian carp twice as much neutrophils were created compared to the white bream. Increased neutrophilia indicates activation of the protective function of the blood and, apparently, indicates a greater potential for adaptive capabilities of the Prussian carp compared to the white bream. These differences between the two species of fish are due to the peculiarities of their biology: the Prussian carp, unlike the silver bream, is a demersal fish, a significant percentage of which is detritus, that actively accumulates heavy metal compounds and thus causes increased intoxication of fish.
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