Keywords: state of ecosystem monitoring, organisms-bioindicators, pollinating insects, climate change, honey bee


Under the global environmental changes, the use of bioindicators to monitor the state of ecosystems is gaining popularity due to the numerous advantages of organisms – bioindicators. Among these organisms, one of the most common taxa is Insects (Insecta). When insects are using for the impact of anthropogenic factors on the environment the determination of the ecological status of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems is used. changes in size, proportions, coverings, color, ugliness, features of ontogenesis, population characteristics are using as criteria. The use of pollinating insects as bioindicators is especially multifaceted. Its are an important component of biogeocenoses, contribute to the natural reproduction and enrichment of flora. One of the most valuable bioindicators of the ecosystem state among pollinating insects is the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.), widespread in the world. Bee pollination of entomophytic crops in Ukraine leads to an increase in yield of up to 30%, and profits from increased yields significantly exceed the cost of all beekeeping products. The use of honey bees as a biological indicator allows to use as a criterion well-studied morphological, ecological and behavioral characteristic of the honey bee populations, including their productivity. Thus, with a decrease in air temperature compared to optimal, during the flowering of winter oilseed rape, regardless of the length of its stay in this phase, there was a decrease in honey production from 23.8 to 76.2% and bee pollen – from 33.3 to 55.5%. A particular advantage of this species is the relative resistance of bee colonies to environmental stressors, their ability to accumulate pollutants and stereotypically respond to them. This allows the use of honey bee populations to monitor new threats, including climate changes, which is especially true in Southern Ukraine, where severe droughts have become more frequent in recent decades and summer temperatures have risen significantly. The spring period of the average daily air temperature transition through 0° and 15,0° and 15°С, decreased to 2 months and was characterized by a sharp increase in heat. Climate change has a negative impact on the state of pollinator insect populations due to the deterioration of their forage base (reduction of biodiversity and productivity of honey plants); increase the risk of extinction of these species. The climate change factor, in particular, affected the productivity dynamics of the honey bee population in Ukraine, for the period 2005- 2019 the number of bee families decreased from 3369.0 thousand to 2633.2 thousand. Thus, use as a biological indicator of pollinating insects by example of the honey bee (A. Mellifera L.) populations confirms the expediency of this method for studying the state of ecosystem elements and climate change.


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How to Cite
Lavrenko, S. O., Sobol, O. M., Korbych, N. M., & Kryvyi, V. V. (2022). DIRECTIONS AND PROSPECTS FOR THE USE OF POLLINATING INSECTS FOR BIOINDICATION OF THE ECOSYSTEMS AND CLIMATE CHANGE SITUATION UNDER THE SOUTH OF UKRAINE CONDITIONS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 80-90.