Keywords: root chicory, nutrition, biological processes, microorganisms, fertilizers, productivity of photosynthesis, productivity


Study of the influence of organo-mineral fertilizers on the yield of chicory roots and on the activity of the main enzymes of the class of oxidoreductases (catalase, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase) in the conditions of the Right-Bank Forest- Steppe of Ukraine. Analysis, synthesis, generalization, laboratory and field experiment. The accumulation of NPP in chicory plants significantly depends on the length of the interphase periods. Within the varieties of the same type in the vegetation period of development, the highest coefficient of NPP in the experiments was in the variety ‘Umanskyi-99’ in comparison with the variety ‘Umanskyi-97’. The highest NPP was in the variety ‘Umanskyi-99’ on 04.08 on the variant of application of organo-mineral fertilizers (10 tons of manure + N30P30K30) – 10.14 g / m2 per day, slightly lower value of NPP was observed when applying separately mineral and organic fertilizers. The activity of biological processes, especially NPP, in these variants increased compared to the control, but decreased the intensity of respiration of the vegetative mass and was in the variety ‘Umanskyi-97’ – 0.143 mg / g for 1 hour, and in the variety ‘Umanskyi-99’ – 0.144 mg / g for 1 hour, respectively. Providing favorable conditions for intensive development of microorganisms, the best conditions for feeding chicory root plants are created. Thus, from the application of organo-mineral fertilizers 10 t / ha of manure + N30P30K30 the yield of root crops was the highest in the variety ‘Umanskyi-97’ – 35.4 t / ha and in the variety ‘Umanskyi-99’ – 35.8 t / ha. These variants also showed the highest catalase activity in the variety ‘Umanskyi-97’ 367 ml / (g × min) and 378 ml / (g × min) in the variety ‘Umanskyi-99’, because the higher the catalase activity, the higher the resistance of plants to adverse conditions environment. Thus, the optimal rates of organic and mineral fertilizers increase the yield of chicory roots and activate biological indicators compared to twice the rate of individual mineral and organic fertilizers. Reducing the rates of mineral fertilizers when combined with organic fertilizers, allows them to spread over a larger area and increase the efficiency of organomineral fertilizers. It should be noted that appropriate agronomic measures can guide the development of plants in the direction of increasing the yield of roots, as well as change their chemical composition and physiological and biochemical parameters of plants.


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How to Cite
Ovcharuk, O. I., Tkach, O. V., & Ovcharuk, O. I. (2022). THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ROLE OF ORGANIC-MINERAL FERTILIZERS IN THE ROOT NUTRITION OF PLANTS CHICORY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 47(1), 97-101.