The conformity of black locust stands to edaphic and climatic conditions of Riparian Steppe, their utilitarian functions allow to consider this forestforming species expedient for creation of forest plantations in steppe natural zone of Ukraine. In order to comprehensively assess the resource, environmental and energy potential of trees and stands of the Riparian Steppe of Ukraine, it is mandatory to assess their bioproductivity, which is calculated using the density of components of aboveground phytomass. In the process of studying the basic and natural density of the aboveground phytomass components of the branches of 20 model black locust trees were cut down. The measurements of trees were made and their biometric indicators were determined. The density indexes of structural components of aboveground phytomass of black locust trees in freshly and absolutely dry states were calculated according to the method of P. Lakyda. The natural and basic densities of wood, bark and wood in the bark of the branches of black locust and the main statistics for these parameters are determined. It is established that the sets of indicators of basic and natural density of all structural components of branches have a distribution similar to normal. The values of the correlation coefficients between the density of wood and bark of branches with the iometric indices of black locust trees, which indicate their weak, mostly direct relationship, are given. The paper presents a graphical interpretation of changes in the basic density of the structural components of the phytomass of branches by age, diameter and height of trees. It is established that with increasing age, diameter at breast height and tree height of black locust trees there is an increase in the absolute values of both natural and basic density of wood branches and branches in the bark. The range of values of natural density of branches is rather wide: the density of wood of branches – 684–987 kg·(m3)-1; the density of bark of branches 473–703 kg·(m3)-1; the density of branches in the bark – 658–909 kg·(m3)-1. The values of the branches basic density vary within the following limits: the density of wood – 390–611 kg·(m3)-1; crust density 230–429 kg·(m3)-1; the density of branches in the bark is 408–588 kg·(m3)-1. Mathematical models of the dependence of the qualitative characteristics of the structural components of the branches of black locust trees on the main biometric indicators have been developed. They can be used to assess the biotic productivity of black locust stands.
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