The effect of pre-sowing inoculation of Azospirillum sp. and Bacillus sp. 4 and varietal characteristics of winter wheat for the formation of grain productivity of the crop has been studied. The influence of the studied factors on the formation of the crop structure elements has been determined. In particular, it has been found that the 1000 seed weight in the variants averaged from 32.8 to 37.9 g for the Artist variety, and from 40.4 to 43.3 g for the Tobak variety. After pre-sowing inoculation the indicator was in the range of 33.6–35.9 g (Artist variety) and 41.3–42.3 g (Tobak variety). Simultaneous use of Azospirillum sp. and Bacillus sp. 4 for inoculation assisted in the largest increase in the 1000 seed weight: it varied from 37.9 to 43.3 g, depending on.variety. On average, the grain number per ear in control was 24.6–33.6 pieces with a weight of 1.05–1.18 g depending on the variety. Variant with pre-sowing inoculation with Azospirillum sp. + Bacillus sp. 4 led to formation of 37.1–43.3 grains with a seed weight of 1.90–2.09 g. The influence of pre-sowing inoculation on winter wheat yield has been established. The largest increase to control was for the Artist variety 19.4 %, for Tobak variety – 21.0 %. The highest yield of wheat was fixed with the combination of nitrogen-fixing and phosphate-mobilizing bacteria for varieties of Artist and Tobak. It was explained by formation of better ear structure due to favorable root nutrition. Therefore, the effectiveness of pre-sowing inoculation with Azospirillum sp. and Bacillus sp. 4 suspensions in the technology of winter wheat growing has been experimentally proved. For yield increasing the most effective variant was the combined use of bacteria Azospirillum sp. and Bacillus sp. 4. Separately inoculation with each species of microorganism provided an average increase in yield of 5.5 % for the Artist variety and 7.9 % for the Tobak variety. Comparative analysis of yield and its structure of two winter wheat varieties revealed that inoculation with Azospirillum sp. and Bacillus sp. 4 separately and simultaneously, growth in ear parameters of plants and increase of crop yield. Therefore, the use of pre-sowing inoculation of both varieties had a positive effect on yields and indicated the feasibility of this agrotechnological method.
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