Keywords: determinants, trophic determination, phytohormones, nutrients, mineral nutrients, cytokinins, auxins


The purpose of this article is to establish trophic and phytohormonal determinants of ontogenesis in vitro. Microclonal reproduction as a biotechnological process involves the use of plant objects: explants, regenerants, donor plants. In each of these objects, at the level of nucleic acids, genetic information about the ontogenesis of a whole organism is recorded in situ. To direct the life cycle of objects according to technological or scientific needs, physical, trophic and phytohormonal determinants are used. Under the influence of determinants, gene expression occurs selectively in meristem and other tissues. Thanks to this, development takes place along a certain path with the limitation of others. During in vitro reproduction, plant organisms undergo double reformatting of determinants. The first time, it happens during introduction to aseptic conditions, and the second – during post-aseptic adaptation. Among the trophic determinants, the main ones are mineral components and synthetic carbohydrates added to artificial nutrient media. The influence of macro- and microelements during microclonal reproduction, as well as under normal conditions, is subject to the laws of nutrition: autotrophy of plant organisms; the minimum; the maximum Mineral elements affect the ontogenesis of regenerants not only through their quantitative content, but also their form, acidity of the solution, interaction with other components of the environment. Exogenous carbohydrates, the process of synthesis of endogenous carbohydrates is also a determining factor. In particular, there is an effect on rhizogenesis and the formation of storage organs.With a high content of carbohydrates in the environment, regenerants develop according to the mixotrophic type of nutrition with the dominance of the heterotrophic fate. It is heterotrophic nutrition in combination with stimulating phytohormones and a low carbon dioxide content that is the basis of the rejuvenation of plant objects. One of the visual signs of youth is the simple shape of leaf plates, needles. Among the determinants with phytohormonal activity, synthetic analogues of hormones are the most common, with predominance according to the Skoog and Miller rule at different stages: at the stage of cytokinin multiplication; at the stage of rhizogenesis – postaseptic adaptation of auxin. Cytokinins have a phytotoxic effect that can accumulate and be transmitted from generation to generation. Its manifestation consists in hyperhydration of tissues, weak or absent rhizogenesis, loss during subcultivation of regeneration potential. To improve the restart of the determinant system, it is effective to introduce regenerants into a state of rest. In this case, meristems form a system of determinants that is appropriate for new, postaseptic conditions.


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How to Cite
MatskevychО., Kimeichuk, I., Matskevych, V., & Pavlichenko, A. (2022). TROPHIC AND PHYTOHORMONAL DETERMINANTS OF ONTOGENESIS IN VITRO. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 48(2), 111-123.