Winter wheat is one of the most important grain crops both in Ukraine and throughout the world. Today, one of the important tasks of agricultural production is to increase the productivity of grain crops. Experimental studies show that biologically active substances significantly increase the productivity of winter wheat. Therefore, we studied the effect of pre-sowing treatment with a 3%, 6%, 15%, 30% solution of seed oat extract on photosynthetic parameters, in particular the content of green photosynthetic pigments and the area of the leaf plate of winter wheat varieties Yuvivata 60 and Dunyasha during the phases of spring tillering and emergence tube, because it is known that the harvest is the result of the photosynthetic process. It was found that the pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds of the Yuvivata 60 variety with a 3% and 30% solution of oat extract made it possible to increase the content of the sum of chlorophylls a and b to 2.03 mg/g of raw mass in the phase of spring bushing and to 2.48 and 2.45 mg/g of raw mass in the phase of exit into the tube. In the spring tillering phase, during the pre-sowing treatment of Dunyasha winter wheat seeds with a 3% and 6% solution of oat extract, the content of the sum of chlorophylls a and b was 2.64 and 2.75 mg/g of raw material, which exceeds the control value by 52.6% and 58.9%, respectively. In the phase of emergence into the tube during the pre-sowing treatment of wheat seeds of the Dunyasha variety with 3% and 6% seed oat extract, the content of the sum of chlorophylls a and b was 2.00 mg/g and 2.26 mg/g, which is by 26.6% and 43.0% more than control values. In the phase of spring tillering and emergence into the tube, the largest area of the leaf plate in winter wheat plants of Yuvivata 60 and Dunyasha varieties was observed after pre-sowing treatment of seeds with a 30% solution of seed oat extract. Thus, pre-sowing treatment of winter wheat seeds of Dunyasha and Yuvivat 60 varieties with different concentrations of oat seed extract containing biologically active substances contributes to the maximum realization of photosynthetic productivity and can be used as an element of technology in the cultivation of grain crops.
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