Keywords: roses, floribunda, inflorescence, flowering vigor, decorativeness, landscaping.


The article presents the results of research on the quantitative parameters of inflorescences of different floribunda rose varieties, which differ in origin, morphological and decorative features, in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine. It has been established that floribunda rose varieties, for the most part, are collected in shield-shaped inflorescences with the number of 3–4 flowers in each. It was found that five of the 20 floribunda rose varieties that we studied had the highest flowering vigor score of 5 points, with an average number of inflorescences of up to 61 pieces. Another five varieties had good flowering and received 4 points. The average number of their inflorescences varied between 17–30 pieces per plant. Two points were awarded to four varieties with reduced flowering, namely: Goldelse, Cream Abundance, Henri Matisse and Lilli Marleen. Their number of inflorescences was in the range of 2–5 pcs. Thus, the results of the research showed that the varieties of the floribunda group in the vast majority have moderate and higher flowering vigor with the number of inflorescences more than 10 per plant. An ambiguous influence of the terms of cultivation on the number of inflorescences in different floribunda rose varieties was revealed. Since annual plants do not yet have the appropriate growth power, their number of inflorescences is the lowest. In most varieties, the maximum number of inflorescences was in four-year-old plants, however, the rate of growth of the number of inflorescences by year in different genotypes differed significantly. The greatest increase was recorded in two-year-old plants of Pomponella and Lovely Green varieties, which almost doubled the number of inflorescences compared to the previous growing season, while in subsequent years the increase was significantly less. In Westpoint and Bella Rosa varieties, a uniform annual increase in the number of inflorescences by 20–30% was observed. The varieties Santa Monika, Goldelse, Cream Abundance, Henri Matisse and Lilli Marleen had a stable low number of inflorescences, which did not change significantly in plants of different ages. Thus, in some varieties, a sharp increase in the number of inflorescences was recorded, while in others it was uniform throughout the entire period of their cultivation. This may be due to different degrees of resistance of varieties to negative climatic factors and individual characteristics of their growth and development.


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How to Cite
Brovdi, A. B., & Polishchuk, V. V. (2023). ECONOMIC AND ORNAMENTAL VALUE OF FLORIBUNDA ROSE VARIETIES ACCORDING TO THE QUANTITATIVE PARAMETERS OF THEIR INFLORESCENCES. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 51(1), 14-19.