Keywords: specific electrical conductivity of soil, fertilizers, seasonal changes.


Soil electrical conductivity is a complex and highly variable characteristic. Its value depends on a wide range of factors, such as moisture, density, temperature, fertilization, chemical and mineralogical composition, mechanical properties, soil structure, and especially the nature and properties of the soil solution. Typically, electrical conductivity has been used to diagnose soil salinity, but recently, the use of electrical conductivity values to diagnose other parameters that increase electrical conductivity has become widely used in agrobiological practice. One of the primary measures that increase the electrical conductivity of the soil cover is the use of drip irrigation, which was used in areas intended for berry cultivation. The article analyzes the dynamics of seasonal changes in the specific electrical conductivity of the fertile layer under conditions of different agricultural use, tillage, and fertilization of soils. The influence of fertilization and tillage on the soil resistivity was determined. The research was conducted in two years (2021–2022), directly on land plots of various agricultural uses, using field and laboratory methods. Within the Western Polissia of Ukraine, on the territory of three experimental sites: the village of Polozhevo, the village of Rymachi and the village of Kolky. On the territory of the experimental site in the village of Polozhevo, Kovel district, Volyn region, the results of laboratory studies showed that the electrical conductivity of the soil of meadow-bog and peat soils in this area increased. In the undisturbed virgin areas with peat soil cover, the electrical conductivity value also increased from 2021 to 2022, for example, in the upper horizon (0–30 cm), the values increased by 30%. In the lower layers, the trend of increasing electrical conductivity is also observed, so in the 30–45 cm layer, the electrical conductivity of the soil cover increased by 215% compared to the previous year, and in the 45–60 cm horizon, an increase of 154% compared to 2021. Further dynamics are shown in Table 2. On the land plots with sod-podzolic soil type in the village of Rymachi, which are allocated for berry cultivation, the electrical conductivity indicators for the period 2021–2022 decreased in the upper horizon by 28%, slightly increased in the subsoil layer – 42%, and decreased in the layer above 40 cm, namely by 38%. In virgin undisturbed areas, the value of electrical conductivity in the 0–30 cm layer decreased by 9%, in the 30–40 cm layer by 1.6%, and in the layer above 40 cm, the recorded values decreased by 9% during the year. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that in undisturbed areas where no reclamation measures are taken to increase productivity, no change in the specific electrical conductivity is observed. On the site of Kolky village for agricultural use in the layer 0–17 cm during the growing season, the value of electrical conductivity decreased by 28%, 17–35 cm deviation by 14%, 35–75 cm – increase by 5%, at a depth of 75–100 cm deviation is 5%. In the areas intended for berry cultivation, the value of electrical conductivity, compared to the beginning of the growing season, decreased significantly at the end of the growing season, which was caused by the use of drip irrigation in this area.


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How to Cite
Gavryliuk, V. A., Melymuka, R. Y., & Doliuk, A. V. (2023). DYNAMICS OF CHANGES IN ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF RECLAIMED SOILS OF WESTERN POLISSYA UNDER DIFFERENT TYPES OF USE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 51(1), 20-27. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2023.1.3