Keywords: meadows, medicinal plants, Hypericum perforatum L., populations, morphometric analysis, morphometric parameters, above-ground weight (W, g), reproductive effort (RE, %), herbal raw materials, anthropogenic impact


The article presents the results of research on growth dynamics, formation and reproduction of six typical model populations of Hypericum perforatum L. in various types of vegetative groups located in the valley of the Psel River (Sumska oblast), as well as an assessment of their stability under conditions of mowing and cattle grazing. It was established that the population density of H. perforatum ranged from 3 to 12, but sometimes 20-30 individuals/m2, the maximum was under the conditions of random mowing. The height of generative individuals also differed significantly, varying from 35 to 76 cm. The average weight of the above-ground part varied from 2.75 to 10.1 g. The minimum indicators of the vegetative sphere were noted in populations used as hayfields, pastures, as well as in agrophytocenoses. The maximum indicators were noted in populations that were not subjected to anthropogenic influences at all or almost. The above-mentioned parameters characterizing the vegetative sphere of plants differed in variability – their values depended on ecological, coenotical and anthropogenic conditions. Thus, the amount of photosynthetic effort (LWR, %) of individuals of the studied populations was different. This indicator was the highest in populations that were under mowing and without anthropogenic influence, and the lowest in agrophytocenoses and under conditions of systematic grazing. In general, it was noted that the optimal values of indicators of the vegetative sphere of H. perforatum were observed under conditions of moderate or irregular anthropogenic influence. The parameters of the generative sphere of individuals of H. perforatum were characterized by more significant changes. The maximum and minimum parameters of vegetative structures differed by approximately 2.1 times, and those of generative structures – by 4.6 times. Statistically significant differences in the number, mass of generative organs and reproductive effort of plants as a whole were observed between H. perforatum populations. Also, as a result of research, a statistically significant correlation was established between the height of plants and the productivity of above-ground dry weight. During the flowering period, the correlation coefficient was + 0.84. This made it possible to predict the raw material productivity of plants based on the average height of the shoots. Under the conditions of the studied region – the valley of the Psel River within Sumska oblast, the forecast of raw material productivity (HRM – Herbal Raw Materials, g) by plant height (h, cm) with a reliability of 95% can be calculated according to the equation: HRM = 0.167h – 3, 28.


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How to Cite
Bondarieva, L. M., Skliar, V. H., & Bondariev, M. A. (2023). DYNAMICS OF THE VEGETATIVE AND GENERATIVE SPHERE OF HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L. РOPULATIONS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 52(2), 3-8. https://doi.org/10.32782/agrobio.2023.2.1