Keywords: grain sorghum, growth and development, elements of the productivity structure, yield, mineral nutrition


Grain sorghum is a valuable and promising crop that can be grown in a wide range of agro-climatic conditions. The limiting factor for the expansion of cultivated areas beyond traditional cultivation zones is the sum of effective temperatures during the growing season, as well as the imperfection of culture cultivation technologies. The improvement of certain elements of technology, taking into account the genetic and biological features of modern varieties and hybrids, will contribute to solving the problem and realizing the productive potential of plants. Despite the relative unpretentiousness to soil fertility and the ability to extract nutrients, grain sorghum responds positively to the application of mineral fertilizers. With sufficient supply of nutrients to plants during the period of growth and development and optimal spatial placement, sorghum is able to form high and constant yields of green mass and grain. Currently, there are many opinions regarding the norms and terms of applying fertilizers. There is no unity regarding individual elements of the grain sorghum fertilization system, which indicates the need to continue studying this issue. The correct, scientifically based choice of the level of mineral nutrition, the method of sowing and the rate of sowing is one of the main factors of obtaining stable yields of sorghum grain depending on the morphobiological features of the variety or hybrid and the soil and climatic conditions of the growing area. The research was aimed at studying the features of grain sorghum yield structure formation depending on fertilizer and varietal characteristics in the northeastern forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. The study of the effect of fertilizer (N35P35K35 and N70P70K70) on the formation of the sorghum crop (Yanki hydride, varieties Kraevyd, Samaran 6, Dniprovskyi 39) was carried out in the conditions of the educational and scientific training ground of the Department of Agricultural Technologies and Soil Science of the Sumy National Agrarian University (2020–2023). The application of mineral fertilizers affects the formation of grain productivity of sorghum, the yield of varieties and hybrids of grain sorghum, as well as the duration of vegetation. According to all options, the yield of sorghum grain obtained with the application of N70P70K70 was higher than in the background option without the application of fertilization. During our research, a positive effect of mineral fertilizers on the quality of sorghum seeds was noted. Based on the analysis of the mass of 1000 seeds, it can be seen that the application of fertilizers increased the mass of 1000 seeds compared to the background. The length of the inflorescence did not change under the influence of fertilizers. The total duration of vegetation increased in all varieties, compared to growing on a natural background. The "blooming-maturity" phase was the most sensitive to the influence of fertilizers, the ripening of plants with the application of the N70P70K70 fertilizer rate starts 8–10 days later. A tendency to increase productive bushiness with an increase in the rate of mineral nutrition was observed.


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