Keywords: organic carbon, humus, humic acids, fulvic acids, organic farming


Chernozem soils play a crucial role in carbon storage, as they are the largest reservoir and play a significant role in mitigating climate change. Many soil properties (structure, nutrient content, buffer properties, etc.) and its general biosphere functions depend on organic matter. Research in the field of organic matter of the soil is very relevant, but the number of scientific works, the topic of which is the study of the group and fractional composition of humus, is quite limited. Soil organic matter is plant and animal remains at various stages of decomposition, including microbial biomass and products of microbial synthesis. The accumulation of organic matter in soils reflects the balance between input of plant residues and losses due to mineralization and microbial respiration. Among the methods used in the experiment: Comparative-profilegenetic, method of soil keys, field, laboratory, statistical. The influence of different farming systems on the group and fractional humus composition of typical deep medium-loam chernozems on the left-bank part of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine within the Poltava region was studied. The following options were selected for research: an organic farming system, where vetch was grown for green manure; an organic farming system where corn for grain was grown with the introduction of 20 t ha-1 of cattle manure compost, an intensive farming system where corn for grain was grown with the use of mineral fertilizers at the rate of N130P30K30. The obtained data were compared with the indicators obtained in the fallow area. It was established that the humus of the studied chernozems has a fulvate-humate type and is characterized by a low content of calcium-bound humic acids. The share of free and bound humic acids is about 20 % of the total carbon. The agrogenic use of typical chernozems leads to a decrease in the content of organic carbon and a significant increase in the proportion of free and humic acids bound to half-oxides. Sowing siderates and applying compost, under organic farming, contribute to the accumulation of carbon in the soil, including non-soluble residues, and the indicator of the content of total organic carbon approaches the values of the fallow area.


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How to Cite
Rieznik, S. V., & Havva, D. V. (2023). HUMUS STATE OF DEEP TYPICAL CHERNOZEMS LOAM UNDER ORGANIC AND TRADITIONAL AGRICULTURE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 65-69.