Keywords: grain and leguminous crops, sunflower, object of transfer, production, productivity, optimization


Based on the indicators of gross production and yield of grain and leguminous crops and sunflower in Ukraine for 76 years (1945–2020), the dynamics and problems of the development of the plant industry from the standpoint of their optimization in the post-war period were studied. Research was carried out in accordance with the work programs of "Agronomy" in 2 relocated universities of Luhansk region and using the potential of agronomic programs of USAID and the Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business "Agrokebety". Approaches have been developed to evaluate grain and leguminous crops and sunflower as the leading objects of transfer at the level of zonal specialization of crop production in Eastern Ukraine in the post-war period. When building an effective system of crop production, they started from a systemic approach based on the principles of end-to-end coordination: "objectzone- mechanisms". For grain and leguminous crops of the 2016–2020 block, the level of minimum production (min) to average (x) was 88.9%, and the maximum (max) was 111.1%, while the emphasis of commodity producers was primarily on marginal crops , short rotation and stable production (V=7.89%). For other blocks (1945–1957, 1958–1998 and 1999–2015), significant fluctuations between the minimum (min) and average (x) – 43.4–58.9% and the maximum (max) and average (x) are highlighted indicators – 140.8–161.6% (V=22.16–32.19%). For sunflower, the 2016–2020 block is characterized by the level of minimum production (min) to average (x) – 89.4%, and maximum (max) – 111.5% and stable production (V=1.44%). From a practical point of view, the need for adapted and operational optimization of the field of crop production as a multifactorial system is highlighted. According to the obtained data, indices (I1) – gross production and productivity and (I2) – the ratio of grain and leguminous crops and sunflower, which are adapted for use, were calculated and analyzed. According to the ratio of gross production of grain and leguminous crops: sunflower (I1) during the monitoring period (1945–2020), a decrease in average block values (х) from 27.0 to 4.9 was noted. It is pragmatically important to select the model ratio of the achieved gross production of grain and leguminous crops: sunflower (I1). This is important because grain and leguminous crops and sunflower are multi-vector objects in terms of land resources and optimization of crop rotation in short rotation. According to the analysis (76 years – 1945–2020) according to the index of the ratio of the gross production of grain and leguminous crops and sunflower – (I1), the overall ratio was close to the normal distribution (49.3:50.7). Further, according to the Pareto rule, model ratios were chosen as a starting point for sound optimization. The test carried out highlighted the positive perception of the above-mentioned approaches by manufacturers, processors, logisticians, administrators and legislators on the one hand and the need to intensify systemic actions, especially in methodological support.


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How to Cite
Tymchuk, V. M., Sknypa, N. L., & Tymchuk, N. F. (2023). METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES OPTIMIZING PLANT PRODUCTION OF UKRAINE. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Agronomy and Biology, 53(3), 99-107.