Keywords: breed, meat, histostructure, muscle tissue, muscle fibers, longest muscle, interfascicular fat, connective tissue


The article examines the results of the study and analysis of the features of the histological structure of the muscle tissue of pigs during purebred breeding and crossbreeding. The conducted histological studies of the longest muscles of pigs of different breeds testify to the fundamental similarity of their structure. The differences come down to the different ratio between the connective tissue component of the muscle, adipose tissue and muscle fibers. In pigs, upon reaching 100 kg of live weight, the longest muscle of the back is dominated by polygonal muscle fibers with a diameter of 29-58 μm. Their share was from 67.6 μm (large white breed) to 71.7 μm (crossbreeds – large white x Myrhorodska). Small-diameter muscle fibers (up to 29 μm) in crossbreeds are less – 22.9% compared to large white – 28.7% and Mirgorod – 25.9%. On the transverse sections of the longest muscle of the back, muscle bundles of the first order, separated from each other by delicate layers of connective tissue, are clearly visible. Three to five such bundles are united by connective tissue layers into bundles of the second order, which in turn form bundles of the third order. In the longest back muscle of the large white breed, the connective tissue layers between the muscle bundles are less pronounced. In animals of the Myrhorod breed, these layers are much coarser and have a relatively small number of layers. A comparison of the data on the accumulation of intramuscular fat deposits between the studied groups of animals revealed a slightly lower percentage of fat on cross-sections of the muscle of pigs of the Myrhorod breed. No significant difference was found between piglets of the large white breed and crossbreeds. The VBxM crossbreeds have a slightly higher percentage of muscle fibers with a diameter of 29 to 58 μm and more than 60 μm. Crossbreeds have a relatively large number of small-diameter muscle fibers (up to 29 μm) – 22.9%. Some correlative relationships between the development of structural elements of muscle tissue and the performance of animals have been established.


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How to Cite
Birta, G. O., Goryachova, O. O., Levoshko, N. V., Odaryuk, D. O., & Kuzmin, O. O. (2024). HISTOSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MUSCLE TISSUE OF PUREBRED AND CROSSBRED PIGS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 20-24. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2024.2.3