Genotypic features of dairy cattle have a significant impact on indicators of milk productivity of cows. This issue is especially relevant when studying the polymorphism of milk proteins. Recently, scientists have been paying more and more attention to these studies. An example of such genes can be genes for kappa-casein, beta-lactoglobulin and others. In domestic dairy breeds, polymorphism of milk protein genes has not been studied much, and its influence on quality indicators of milk productivity has hardly been studied. To fulfill the goal, research was conducted at the state breeding plant of the State Enterprise "Experimental farm of the Institute of Agriculture of the Northeast of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine", Sumy district, on the first-borns of the Ukrainian black and spotted dairy breed (n=30). Polymorphism of the beta-lactoglobulin gene was studied in the laboratory of the Animal Husbandry Institute according to generally accepted methods. Milk productivity was assessed by monthly control milkings with milk sampling. A counter – indicator IU-1 was used to take milk samples. The content of milk components was determined in the laboratory of the Institute of Animal Husbandry of the National Academy of Sciences by infrared photometry on the equipment of the corporation "Bentley Instruments" (USA). Among the studied animals, the majority had the heterozygous AB genotype (20 heads). The number of animals with homozygous BB genotype was 6 heads, AA 4 heads. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that the first-borns with the AA genotype prevailed in terms of the average amount of milk yield. Animals with AB and BB genotypes were inferior to them by 569 and 207 kg, respectively. In terms of the average amount of fat in milk, animals with the BB homozygous genotype predominated, and AB in the average protein content of milk. According to the average content of lactose in milk, there was no significant difference between the animals of the studied genotypes. One of the main characteristics of milk is the content of dry matter per dry skimmed milk residue. Differentiation was established between animals of the studied genotypes by both signs. By the content of dry matter, genotypes AB and BB prevailed, and by the content of dry skimmed milk residue – BB.
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