Based on reports from the *National Average Productivity of Danish Pig Farms* for 2012–2023, the article compares changes in the realization of key performance indicators of hybrid piglets of Danish breeding during the growing phase: weight at the start and end of the growing period, duration of the growing period, absolute, average daily, and relative weight gains, average daily feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and piglet survival rate. It was found that the average weight of piglets at the start of the growing period decreased by 0.9 kg, or 13.04%, over the study period, averaging 6.48 kg, while the weight of piglets at the end of the growing phase fluctuated slightly between 30.2 kg and 31.0 kg, with an average of 30.58 kg. The average daily weight gains ranged from 439 g to 458 g, with an overall average of 447 g. The average feed conversion ratio was 1.86 kg, improving from 1.94 kg in 2012 to 1.75 kg in 2023. Piglet survival during the growing period remained relatively stable, averaging 96.79% over the 12 years. It was established that the primary performance indicators during the growing phase did not undergo significant changes, except for a 0.5–8.8% improvement in feed conversion ratio and a 0.2–5.7% increase in average daily weight gains, despite a notable 1.4–13.0% reduction in initial piglet weight. A strong positive correlation was identified between feed conversion ratio, average daily feed intake, and piglet weight at the start of the growing period. A strong direct relationship was found between the duration of the growing period, final piglet weight, average daily feed intake, and average daily weight gains throughout the growing period. A high inverse correlation was established between average daily weight gains, piglet weight at the start of the growing period, and feed conversion ratio during this period. A noticeable direct correlation was found between average daily feed intake, average daily weight gains, and piglet weight at the end of the growing period, with a notable inverse correlation between piglet weight at the start of the growing period and their final weight and the duration of the growing period. A moderate correlation of the same direction was found between final piglet weight, feed efficiency, and feed conversion ratio, as well as the duration of the growing period. A weak positive correlation was found between the duration of the growing period and average daily weight gains during this period. The highest impact on final piglet weight was from average daily weight gains, accounting for 30.9%, while the influence of the duration of the growing period was highly significant at 16.3%. Piglet weight at the start of the growing period influenced their final weight with a strength of 14.3%. The interaction between average daily weight gains and the duration of the growing period had a significant impact on final piglet weight, accounting for 8.6%. The interaction between average daily weight gains and initial piglet weight, the duration of the growing period, and the initial piglet weight, as well as the interaction of the three studied factors, did not have a significant impact.
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