Keywords: young pigs, breed, fattening and meat qualities, coefficient of decline in growth intensity, variability, cost of additional products


The article presents the results of studies of fattening and meat qualities in young pigs of large white breed of Hungarian origin of different intrabreed differentiation according to the coefficient of decline in growth intensity, as well as the economic efficiency of their use in the conditions of the industrial complex. The work was carried out in accordance with the program of scientific research of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine No. 30 "Innovative technologies of breeding, industrial and organic production of pig products". Evaluation of young pigs for fattening and meat qualities was carried out in accordance with the requirements of "Methods for evaluation of boars and sows according to the quality of offspring in the conditions of breeding farms and breeding breeders". Live weight data at birth, at 45 days and 3 months of age were used to calculate the coefficient of decline in growth intensity of young pigs. Research results show that young pigs of the large white breed of Hungarian origin are characterized by high indicators of average daily gain in live weight, and by the age of reaching live weight of 100 kg, the thickness of lard at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae and the length of the chilled carcass prevails the minimum requirements for the elite class on average by 13.56%. It was established that the animals of the experimental group I prevailed over those of the same age as II and III in terms of the average daily increase in live weight by 1.95 and 5.15%, the age of reaching 100 kg live weight by 1.79 and 3.25%, and the fat thickness at the level of 6-7 thoracic vertebrae – 1.45 and 6.85%. In terms of the length of the chilled carcass, the difference between the animals of the III, II and I experimental groups is 1.33 and 1.95%, the length of the bacon half of the chilled half carcass is 0.35 and 1.99%, the largest (front) width of the bacon half of the chilled carcass is 6 .47 and 9.86%, the smallest (back) width of the bacon half of the chilled carcass – 1.21 and 8.06%. The number of reliable connections between the coefficient of decline in growth intensity, fattening and meat qualities of young pigs of the controlled population is 28.57%. The maximum increase in additional production was obtained from young pigs of the 1st experimental group (ΔK=84.88-96.24 points). It is +2.28%, and its value is +151.84 hryvnias. / head On the basis of the conducted research, the following conclusion can be drawn: the criterion for selecting highly productive sows and breeding boars based on the fattening qualities of their offspring is their compliance with the elite class, as well as animals with a coefficient of decline in growth intensity during the rearing period from birth to 3 months of age 84.88- 96.24 points.


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How to Cite
Khalak, V. I., Khmelnychyi, L. M., Voloshchuk, V. M., Zasukha, L. V., & Bordunova, O. H. (2024). COEFFICIENT OF DECLINE IN GROWTH INTENSITY AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH FATTENING AND MEAT QUALITIES IN YOUNG PIGS OF LARGE WHITE BREED OF HUNGARIAN ORIGIN. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 52-58.