The productivity of piglets for rearing was studied depending on the method of changing rations during rearing. It was established that piglets that received differentiated feeding of a separate group depending on the actual weight had at the end of rearing – 1.19% less death, 0.17% less share of sanitary defects and 1.37% better preservation. They found 6.3% higher average daily gains and 2.2% relative gains, which led to a 6.3% improvement in absolute gains and a 4.9% improvement in animal weight at the end of rearing. It was determined that piglets whose rations were adjusted according to the average weight of animals in the machine had a 10.70% lower average daily consumption of the first most expensive feed, a 3.8% higher consumption of the second pre-starter combined feed and a 16.3% increase in the cheapest starter feed. Due to this, they consumed 13.3% less of the first prestarter, 6.0% more than the second prestarter, and 8.1% of the cheapest starter feed during the growing period compared to animals whose diet was adjusted according to the average weight of the animals in the group . In general, the piglets of the experimental group consumed 2.9% more feed of all recipes during the period of rearing, compared to the counterparts of the control group. It was proven that the cost of the first pre-starter compound feed consumed was 13.3% lower, despite the 6.0% higher cost of the second pre-starter compound feed and the 8.1% cost of starter feed, which caused a decrease in the cost of all feed formulations by 0.8% in animals that the diet was changed according to the weight of the animals in the group. The lower cost of the first prestater contributed to a 0.8% decrease in the feed cost of growth, in parallel with a 4.9% increase in the weight of piglets at the end of rearing and a 6.1% decrease in the cost of one kilogram of growth in animals whose diet was adjusted depending on the weight of the animals in the machine. Due to the higher intensity of growth and, as a result, greater live weight at the end of rearing, the cost of one piglet at the end of rearing was 4.9% higher compared to analogues whose diet was adjusted depending on the average weight of the animals in the machine, which, in parallel with the decrease in its cost, contributed to the increase by 21.80% of the profit from growing one head and an improvement of 18.06% in the profitability of the same the growing process.
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