Keywords: sunflower concentrate, pig feeding, gains, profitability, cost price, rearing.


The article studied the productivity of piglets raised under partial replacement of soy protein products in the ration of pigs by the protein-rich sunflower concentrate "Proglot 52" and the effectiveness of feeding such a ration during this period. Two groups of hybrid piglets were formed from half-breed sows of English landrace and large white breed, inseminated with boar semen of synthetic terminal line РIС-337 of the same selection in the amount of 300 pieces each. The animals of the control group received a traditional starter mixed feed based on soy protein products during the experimental period. In the animals of the research group, half of the soy protein products were replaced by high-protein sunflower concentrate. It was found that piglets fed compound feeds with a partial replacement of soy products with high-protein sunflower concentrate in the early stages of their growth tended to have 0.3% better preservation and 2.9% higher daily weight gain, resulting in them growing 2.9% more during the trial period and having a 2.1% higher live weight at the end of the trial than peers raised on a conventional starter feed based on a soy protein component. With practically the same daily feed consumption, the recovery was 4.2% better in piglets raised on the experimental feed. It was demonstrated that the use of 50% highprotein sunflower concentrate in the feed ration contributed to a 1.9% reduction in the price of a kilogram of starter compound feed, a 6.0% reduction in the feed cost for 1 kg of growth, and a 3.3% reduction in the feed and operating cost for the growth of an animal at the end of rearing, as well as a 1.8% reduction in the cost of a pig during this period. At the same time, it helps to increase the market value of a piglet at the end of the experiment by 2.1%, by 11.4% of the income from the sale of a piglet and increases the profitability of piglet rearing by 6.0%. 


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How to Cite
Povod, M. H., Opara, V. O., Mykhalko, O. H., Hutyi, B. V., Chalyi, O. I., Verbelchuk, T. V., Verbelchuk, S. P., & Koberniuk, V. V. (2023). EFFICIENCY OF THE USE OF HIGH-PROTEIN SUNFLOWER CONCENTRATE IN THE BREEDING OF PIGS IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 33-41. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2022.4.5