Depending reproductive qualities of sows of the microclimate systems during the year

Keywords: ventilation, microclimate, air, temperature, gas composition, humidity, sow, pig, multiplicity, growth, safety.


We have studied the results of the influence of geothermal and traditional ventilation systems for keeping sows and conditionally sowed sows on their microclimate parameters during the year, and the dependence on these parameters of sows' reproductive qualities. Both classic and geothermal indoor ventilation systems provided optimal microclimate in the transitional seasons, but did not provide the recommended indicators of air temperature and humidity in winter and summer seasons. The difference in air temperature did not affect the difference in sow skin temperature in all seasons except winter. The geothermal ventilation system created more comfortable holding conditions for sows during insemination, which affected the reproductive qualities of sows throughout the seasons except winter. The microclimate parameters created by different ventilation systems influenced the sows' arrival in hunting, their fertilization and the percentage of farrowing. This effect was more pronounced in summer and autumn, and less so in winter and spring. The research in this area is planned to be continued, and their results will be used in the design and reconstruction of pig premises.


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How to Cite
Zhyzhka , S. V., & Povod , N. G. (2019). Depending reproductive qualities of sows of the microclimate systems during the year. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4(39), 85-91.