Keywords: breed, slaughter qualities, live weight, slaughter yield, half-carcass length, lard thickness, mass of ostus.


The article examines the results of research into the slaughter qualities of pigs of different productivity levels at three levels of fattening. Experiments were conducted on animals obtained from sows of the large white breed in combination with wild boars of the large white breed (group I), Poltava meat breed (group II), landrace breed (group III) and Mirgorod breed (group IV). The first level provided for fattening typical for many farms at the level of 250–350 g of average daily gains. The second and third levels of fattening were carried out with average daily gains of 600–800 and 800–1000 g, respectively. The following indicators were determined: pre-slaughter weight, slaughter weight, slaughter yield, half-carcass length, fat thickness, bone mass. The obtained results indicate that local animals had an advantage over their purebred peers in terms of such an indicator as "slaughter output". The carcasses of pigs from the combination of the Great White with the Myrhorod breed were shorter, which is less than that of the pigs from the combination of the Great White with the Landrace. The lard was the thickest in animals combining the large white with the Myrhorod breed, and the thinnest in the animals combining the large white with the Poltava meat and the large white with the Landrace. The obtained results of dispersion analysis regarding the influence of feeding levels on the slaughter quality of experimental animals showed that the influence of feeding was high, and when the slaughter weight of experimental animals increased from 100 to 125 kg, the influence of feeding levels, on the contrary, decreased, this is evidenced by an increase in the residual variance, as such , which includes the influence of all factors, except for the main one, in this case, the level of feeding. The results of experimental studies showed that crossbreeding had a positive effect on the slaughtering qualities of the experimental young animals. The highest efficiency in terms of slaughter yield, half-carcass length, fat thickness and mass of ostus was shown by animals obtained from a combination of large white breed ewes and landrace boars.


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How to Cite
BirtaH. О., Burhu, Y. G., & Floka, L. V. (2023). CROSSBREEDING AS A WAY TO IMPROVE THE SLAUGHTER QUALITIES OF PIGS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 3-7.