Keywords: quality, safety, raw materials, enterprise, production, control, management, product, meat industry, dairy industry


Important elements without which any food production is simply impossible and unthinkable are product safety and quality. Requirements for these parameters are established by law, and manufacturers are responsible for their compliance. Initial quality control of raw materials is one of the most important components of product quality. The safety and quality of dairy and meat products directly depends on the quality of dairy and meat raw materials from which they are made. The article discusses the main issues related to quality management of livestock raw materials, measures to improve the quality of dairy and meat products, and focuses on methods of quality control of livestock raw materials. The main control method used to determine the quality of dairy and meat raw materials or finished products is organoleptic, laboratory, expert, and, of course, sociological control of product quality. These methods can be supplemented with other methods of valid control, for example, inspection, survey, control launch of raw materials into production, inventory, and the method of documentary control, which includes checking compliance with the rules of compilation, completeness and authenticity of the necessary documentation, comparison of reporting and accounting data with normative. The supply of high-quality milk raw materials to the enterprise remains a problematic issue for producers of milk and milk products. This problem has only intensified in recent years, as the scale of raw milk production enterprises is decreasing every year. Milk as a raw material purchased must comply with DSTU 3662:2018 "Cow raw milk. Specifications". From January 1, 2020 to January 1, 2022, a transitional period was established, during this period second-grade raw milk was accepted by processing enterprises, but on the condition that it be used exclusively for technical purposes, in particular for the production of non-food products, for animal feed, etc. Such a step was extremely necessary, because Ukraine, within the framework of the Association Agreement with the EU, must harmonize its legislation with the provisions of EU Regulation No. 853/2004 regarding special rules for the hygiene of food products and, in particular, raw cow's milk DSTU 7158:2010 "Meat. Pork carcasses and half carcasses. Technical conditions" and DSTU 6030:2008 "Meat. Beef and veal in carcasses, half carcasses and quarters. "Technical conditions" regulate requirements for the safety and quality of meat raw materials during production and sale by agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. Healthy domestic animals and poultry are slaughtered, as it is allowed to slaughter sick or suspected infectious diseases of animals only in cases stipulated by the rules of pre-slaughter veterinary inspection of animals and veterinary-sanitary examination of meat raw materials. That is why the main requirements for raw materials are determined, which make it impossible for human diseases to appear, which may appear when consuming the meat of sick animals and the spread of infectious diseases through slaughter products.


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How to Cite
Trokhymenko, V. Z., Kovalchuk, T. I., Zakharin, V. V., & Bezverkha, L. M. (2023). QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF LIVESTOCK RAW MATERIALS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (1), 51-58. https://doi.org/10.32782/bsnau.lvst.2023.1.8