Keywords: Nivkiv scaly carp, probiotic preparations, hematological indicators, immunomodulation, oxidative stress


The scientific article describes the effect of probiotic preparations on growth intensity and hematological indicators of carp. The question of stimulation of the innate immunity of carp with the help of natural and synthetic immunomodulators, as well as diversified programs of immunological protection in aquaculture, is considered. The aim of the work is to determine the effect of a probiotic preparation from L. Plantarum on the biochemical and linear parameters of carp. The object of the study is one-year-old scaly carp of the Ukrainian Nivkiv selection. The subject of the study is the weight of fish specimens, linear body measurements, biochemical indicators of blood, live weight gain. To fulfill the set goal, it was necessary to: monitor linear and mass changes of carp; to calculate the average arithmetic indicators of body weight according to different experimental groups; conduct biochemical studies of the blood of carp; formulate conclusions regarding the expediency of using probiotics. Scientific novelty. Combined feed with the addition of L. Plantarum probiotic and nanoselenium-containing probiotic was used to feed one-year-old carp in order to study the influence of diet composition on growth rates and biochemical blood parameters. The best results in terms of live mass dynamics were obtained from the research group whose diet included selenium nanoparticles and a probiotic preparation. During the analysis of blood indicators in the studied groups, a similar picture was revealed before the optimization of the metabolic and antioxidant status. It was established that the addition of nanoselenium in combination with probiotics reduces biomarkers of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation, which optimizes metabolic parameters and reduces oxidative stress in fish. Practical significance of research. The maximum positive effect in obtaining fish planting material of carp of increased weight was observed when the probiotic L. Plantarum was introduced into the main diet in a complex with sodium selenite at the rate of 1 g per 1 kg of compound feed.


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How to Cite
Glavatchuk, V. A. (2024). INFLUENCE OF PROBIOTIC DRUGS ON GROWTH INTENSITY AND HEMATOLOGICAL INDICATORS OF CARP. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 46-55.