It was established that due to the focus of breeding Danish pigs on improving fertility, its annual increase was 1.63% over the 10 years studied, the number of weaned piglets per sow increased annually during this period by –1.53%, the litter weight of piglets at birth by 0, 81% and at weaning by 0.90%. At the same time, the number of signs negatively correlated with multiple fertility decreased annually over the last decade. Thus, high fertility decreased annually by 0.71%, the weight of one piglet at weaning by 0.52%, the average daily growth during the suckling period by 0.77%, the absolute growth during this period by 0.47%, and the survival of piglets before weaning by 0.08%. But, despite the decrease in some signs of reproductive capacity, due to a significant increase in the number of live piglets at birth, the comprehensive indices of reproductive qualities of sows increased by 1.26–1.45% annually. It has been proven that the intensive selection of sows of Danish breeding to increase fertility contributed to an annual increase of 1.54% in the number of piglets weaned from the sow per year, caused a 0.32% extension of the duration of lactation and increased the mortality of sows by 0.13%. At the same time, along with improving the conditions of keeping and feeding sows, it contributed to a 1.69% reduction in the number of non–productive days in a sow per year, a reduction in annual feed costs per sow by 0.90% and by 2.12% per weaned piggy. According to calculations of the strength and direction of the relationship between the main reproductive and technological traits, it was established that multifertility had a very high direct probable correlation strength with the number of weaned piglets per farrowing (r = 0.95); by the number of weaned piglets per sow per year (r = 0.90); high direct probable strength of correlation with nest mass at weaning (r = 0.81); a weak direct relationship with the duration of lactation (r = 0.28); a weak feedback relationship with the weight of one piglet at weaning (r = – 0.25) and the survival of piglets (r = – 0.11). The number of piglets weaned per sow per year was positively correlated with very high strength (r = 0.96) with the number of piglets at weaning per farrowing; multiple fertility (r = 0.90); moderate strength (r = 0.63) with the weight of the nest of piglets at weaning, weak strength with the duration of lactation (r = 0.03) and preservation – (r = 0.22), and a weak inverse correlation of moderate strength with mass of one piglet at weaning (r = – 0.43). The litter weight of piglets at weaning had a strong positive correlation with multiple fertility (r = 0.81), the number of piglets weaned from a sow per farrowing (r = 0.73) and per year (r = 0.63), a weak positive correlation with the duration of lactation (r = 0.25) and a weak inverse correlation with the survival of piglets (r = –0.20) and the weight of one piglet at weaning (r = –0.18).
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