Reproductive functions of sows of different genotypes and their descendants
New technologies of pork production in most farms are associated with the emergence of significant amounts of stress and the development of immunodeficient conditions in young animals. When stress occurs, the tension of all body systems. To solve the tasks we studied the reproductive ability of sows, determined the own productivity of domestic and foreign breeding boars, determined the resistance to stress by the method of "formalin spot", conducted ethological studies and determined hematological and biochemical parameters of boars blood is determined. Therefore, it is very important when raising pigs is to calculate the ability to adapt to technological stress. It was found that the nest weight at 28 days was dominated by pigs of the second experimental group over the control and first experimental groups, respectively, 7.6 and 11.4 kg (p <0.05). According to the indicators of own productivity of pigs, namely for the age of achieving live weight, the first experimental group prevailed over the control group for 5 days. The average daily gains were also higher in the pigs of the first experimental group and prevailed in the control and second experimental groups by 4.71% and 2.75%, respectively (p <0.01). Similarly, when determining the live weight of boars, the first experimental group prevailed over the control and second experimental groups at the age of 100 kg at 4 and 2 days, respectively, and boars of the first experimental group had higher average daily gains of 2.6% and 1.2 % than analogues. When determining the adaptive characteristics of boars by the "formalin spot" method, the lowest number of stress-sensitive boars was found in the first experimental group (4%) than in the control and second experimental groups by 4 and 8%, respectively. According to ethological indicators, it was found that boars of the second experimental group had lower rates of active behavior (by 2.2% and 4%.) And prevailed in terms of sleep and rest by 16.7% and 8.7%. Indicators for eating food were lower by 22.15% and 22.7% than their peers.
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