Balance of ferum and copper in the organs of pigs when using non-traditional natural additives

Keywords: pigs, feeding, natural additives, alunite, kaolin, iron, copper, metabolism.


The article presents the results of using the influence of non-traditional natural mineral additives - kaolin and alunite flour on the average daily balance of mineral elements of iron and copper in pigs. As a result of research, it was found that the use of rations made on the farm from locally produced raw materials and non-traditional natural mineral additives - kaolin and alunite flour, in the fattening of young pigs provided efficient use of minerals rations, which contributed to more intensive growth production unit. Scientific and economic research was conducted in the conditions of OJSC «Kolodyansky Bacon» of Novograd-Volyn district of Zhytomyr region. On 4 groups of young pigs of large white breed on 15 heads in everyone. The control group received a basic diet balanced in mineral composition with traditional salts of macro- and microelements. The second group was fed 1.5% alunite and 1.5% kaolin flour from the dry matter of the main diet. The third and fourth groups, respectively, 3% of the dry matter of the diet of kaolin and alunite flour, which was fed in a mixture with concentrated feed. The study of the balance of iron and copper in animals was conducted simultaneously with the study of nutrient digestibility. The metabolism of iron in the body of young pigs showed that with the diet of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th experimental groups consumed iron compared to the control of 1.17, 0.4 and 1.95 mg more. The use of iron in relation to the amount taken with feed in young pigs of the 2nd experimental group is higher than the control by 4.9%, the 3rd - by 2.8% and the 4th experimental group - by 5.7% (P <0.05). The introduction of kaolin and alunite flour in the diet increased the copper content to an average of 23.02 mg per day, ie its concentration increased by 0.17%, which caused the peculiarities of copper metabolism in animals. Copper deposition in the body of animals increased with the addition of a mixture of kaolin and alunite flour by 1.5 mg (P <0.05), more compared to the control group. The introduction of a mixture of kaolin and alunite flour in the amount of 1.5% of the dry matter of the diet increases the absorption of iron by 10.7% (P <0.001), copper - by 20.0%% (P <0.05).


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How to Cite
Verbelchuk , T., Verbelchuk , S., Kovalchuk , I., Kovalchuk , I., Vasiliev , R., & Klim , V. (2021). Balance of ferum and copper in the organs of pigs when using non-traditional natural additives. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 77-82.