Economic useful features of Simental breed cows of different linears in conditions of organic production

Keywords: Simmental breed, organic production, exterior, body measurements, indices, udder, consolidation.


The article presents the results of comparative evaluation of first-born cows of the Simmental breed of Czech selection of different linear affiliation in organic milk production in the conditions of PE "Galex-Agro". The first-born cows of the studied lines do not differ significantly in live weight and basic body measurements. In general, the first-born cows of the Simmental breed of the herd PE "Galex-Agro" are characterized by a proportionate body structure. They are high-legged (height at the withers and in the buttocks, respectively 134.8-135.3 and 141.6-142.1 sm) with deep and well developed chest (chest depth and chest girth - 73.5-73.8 and 203.4-204.6) both in width (width of the chest behind the shoulders 50.2-50.9) and in length (length breast 80.0-80.4) with a live weight of 610.6-618.3 kg. Cows have a wide back, which provides ease of calving (width in the hips and buttocks, respectively, 51.2-51.7 and 32.4-32.6 cm). The size of the animals by the main measurements of body structure in combination with a large live weight within the lines indicates the formation of the milk type of the exterior of the first-born Simmental cows of the Czech selection PE "Galex-Agro". The main indices of the body structure of cows of the whole herd and within the lines correspond to the dairy type of animals and testify to the harmony and good proportional development of all parts of body. Significant differences between animals of different lines on the morphological properties of the udder could not be established. In particular, the girth of the udder ranged from 118.9 to 122.3 sm, length 38.7 and 40.3, width 30.1 and 30.6, depth 29.9 and 30.7 cm, the distance from the bottom of the udder to the ground 57.2 and 59.8, the length of the front teats 6.3 in all groups, the rear - 5.3 and 5.4, the distance between the front teats 15.4 and 16.2, the rear - 8.2 and 8.6, lateral - 13.8 and 14.0. The animals of the Redada line significantly outperformed the Horror and Morello peers in most quantitative indicators of milk productivity, and no significant intergroup difference was found in terms of qualitative indicators (protein milk and fat content). The difference between the lines in 30% of cases was significant. The maximum difference in milk productivity was observed between the Morello and Redada lines, which in 50% of cases was reliable and the average generalizing criterion of Student's reliability was 1.53. The values of the coefficients of phenotypic consolidation of animals of different lines are characterized by a positive value and insignificant variability. It should be noted that among all blocks of the studied traits within the lines, negative coefficients of phenotypic consolidation were found only in animals of the Redada line (milk productivity -0.032) and Morello (body structure indices -0.002).


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How to Cite
Kochuk-Yashchenko , O., Kucher , D., Lobodzinskyi , V., & Holiak , V. (2021). Economic useful features of Simental breed cows of different linears in conditions of organic production. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2 (45), 88-95.