Keywords: pigs, feed, soybean meal, high-protein sunflower concentrate, gains, cost price, market price, profitability


The article studied the dependence of productive qualities, the cost of growth and the profitability of pork production in the conditions of an industrial complex during the rearing and fattening of pigs with partial (50%) and complete (100%) replacement of soybean meal with high-protein protein concentrate "Proglot" in their diet. It was established that during the rearing of piglets, the use of partial and complete replacement of soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate led to a decrease in the average daily growth of piglets by 0.87% with partial replacement, by 4.95% with full replacement, and to a decrease of 0.84% of live weight at the end of the growing period with partial and by 3.34% with full replacement of soybean products with sunflower in starter compound feed. Feed conversion turned out to be better by 1.41% in the group of animals that partially replaced soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate compared to animals that consumed soybean meal in the starter feed and by 5.37% compared to animals that received this meal completely replaced with highprotein sunflower concentrate. The cost of 1 kg of feed decreased by 2.24% when partially replacing soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate and by 4.57% when completely replaced. The feed share of the cost of 1 kg of gain in piglets was 3.64% lower compared to the counterparts that consumed feed with partial replacement of soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate and decreased by 3.47% in animals that were completely replaced by soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate. The lowest cost per head during the period of rearing had the animals whose diet was completely replaced by soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate. According to this indicator, they outnumbered their peers by 3.55%, which did not undergo such a replacement, and by 0.3% of their counterparts, in which such replacement was partially carried out, by 3.55% of animals that were not replaced. The market value of 1 head of fullgrown piglets turned out to be the highest in the group of animals on the traditional diet, which is 0.84% higher compared to the group of animals with partial replacement and by 0.95% compared to animals with full replacement of soy products with sunflower. At the same time, the income from the sale of one head of full-grown piglets turned out to be higher in the group of animals with a partial replacement of soy protein products for protein by 22.0% compared to counterparts on a standard diet and by 31.45% compared to animals that were replaced by soy products with sunflower fully. Profitability of raising pigs during this period was also the highest in the group of piglets with partial replacement of protein components of the diet by 3.07% compared to animals raised on standard compound feed and by 4.51% compared to the group of animals that consumed feed with full by replacing the sunflower protein component. The highest index of fattening qualities of pigs at the end of fattening was in pigs with partial replacement of soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate, while it was 7.23% lower in animals with complete replacement and 1.88% lower in counterparts that were not replaced. . The lowest feed cost per head after fattening was achieved by animals whose diet was completely replaced by soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate, they outperformed their peers by 2.75% by this indicator and by 3.37%, where no such replacement was carried out. The market value of 1 head of fattened pigs was the highest in the group of animals with partial replacement of soy products with sunflower, which is 1.02% higher than pigs fattened on a traditional diet, and 3.53% higher compared to the group of animals with complete replacement of soy products on a sunflower In this group, the income from the sale of one head of fattened pigs turned out to be higher by 20.94% compared to counterparts on a standard diet and by 11.27% compared to animals that were completely replaced with soybean products by sunflower. Profitability of fattening pigs during this period was also the highest in the group of piglets with partial replacement of protein components of the diet by 0.31% compared to animals raised on standard compound feed and by 1.20% compared to the group of animals that consumed feed with complete replacement sunflower protein component. The expediency of partially replacing (50/50%) soybean meal with high-protein sunflower concentrate has been established, while the use of only high-protein sunflower concentrate likely reduces productivity indicators and does not increase the economic indicators of fattening pigs.


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How to Cite
Povod, M. H., Kondratiuk, V. M., Lykhach, V. Y., Mykhalko, O. H., Izhboldina, O. O., Povoznikov, M. H., & Hutyi, B. V. (2022). EFFICIENCY OF USING INNOVATIVE PROTEIN COMPONENTS IN PIG FEEDING. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 24-35. https://doi.org/10.32845/bsnau.lvst.2022.2.5