Keywords: pig breeding, pork, number of pigs, meat production


The manuscript analyzes the current state of the pig industry in the Sumy region. In addition, the current state of pork production and the price situation on the pig products market were investigated. An assessment was also made of the economic and production environment and the level of development of pig farming in the region, and the current features of its functioning were assessed. Based on the identified situation in the pig farming at the regional level, the main trends and vectors of its possible development in the nearest future were formed. The article outlines the list of both reasons and problems of local pig farming that limit its profitability and efficiency. In addition, the authors proposed ways to support local producers and possible ways out of the difficult situation of the industry. Published works of domestic and foreign scientists, conclusions and reports of experts, and publicly available statistical data were used as material for the research. According to the results of the study of research data, it was found that the state of pig farming in the Sumy region is characterized by a long stagnation and decline in the number of pigs and meat production, which was caused by a number of reasons, including: the economic crisis, the impact of African swine fever, a decrease in consumer opportunities due to the general decline in population incomes, inflation, the COVID-19 pandemic, the pressure of imported products on the pork sales markets, the insecurity of raw and energy resources, and military operations on the territory of Sumy region. Pig farming in the region for the period from 1991 to 2022 experienced a significant decrease in management indicators. Thus, the total number of pigs decreased by 45.41%, the amount of pork produced decreased by 12.77%, and the list of pig farms and domestic pig farms decreased by 19.48%. The study showed that in the structure of pork producers, industrial agricultural enterprises were inferior to households in terms of the amount of pork produced by 4.9 thousand tons, however, the number of livestock in them was greater by 7.1 thousand heads. At the same time, over the thirty-year researched period of pig farming, feed costs (by 2.76%) and market consumer prices for pork (by 9.15%) increased significantly. Also, according to forecasts, despite the situational decrease in the cost of the fodder base due to military aggression against Ukraine, prices will continue to rise in connection with local and global inflationary processes, the rapid increase in the price of energy sources, and due to the blocking of the import of genetic resources into the pig industry from the EU, which previously led to a reduction in the number of sows in general by 30% and a shortage of livestock to cover domestic demand. We suggest that the stabilization and restoration of the pig industry in the Sumy region begin with the search for previously unconsidered ways of reducing the production costs of enterprises, optimizing production technology through digitalization for more effective management, attracting investments and increasing state support.


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How to Cite
Mykhalko, O. H., & Levchenko, I. V. (2022). STATE OF PIG FARMING IN SUMY REGION. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (3), 18-29.