Keywords: fertility, breeding method, average daily growth, backcrossing, industrial crossbreeding.


The task of our article was to study the relationship between the productive qualities of sows and the intensity of growth of piglets and the influence of their breeding method and insemination season. To conduct the experiment, we used data on farrowings of 1,100 sows in an industrial farm in Denmark during the four seasons of their insemination year, which were formed into 3 groups: Group I – the control group included pigs of the Danish Landrace breed, raised according to the method of purebred breeding, Group II – consisted of crossbreeds sows (F1) obtained by industrial crossing from boars of Great White Danish origin and sows also of local Landrace, III group – was represented by sows (Fr) obtained by the method of backcrossing two-breed sows from sows of Danish Landrace and boars of Great White Danish origin with boars of local Danish Landrace. The results of the analysis of the farrowing data made it possible to establish a reliable influence of the breeding method and the season of insemination with different strengths. During the winter period, the average daily gain was higher in the animals of the I control group compared to the analogues of the II experimental group by 7 g or 3.35% (p<0.001) and compared to the peers of the III experimental group by 8 g or 3.83% (p<0.05). The assessment of the intensity of growth of piglets during the spring months showed that, in terms of average daily growth, the young obtained from backcrossing showed themselves better, where this indicator was higher than that of the counterparts of the control group by 9 g or 4.31% (p<0.05) and II experimental – by 11 g or 5.11% (p<0.001). Studies have shown that in the summer season, piglets with the use of purebred breeding were characterized by better average daily gains compared to analogues with industrial crossing by 15 g or 6.52% (p<0.001) and backcrossing by 28 g or 12.17% (p<0.001). A comparison of the average daily gains of piglets in the fall made it possible to reveal their better values in the young in the II experimental group at the level of 212 g, which was higher than in the control group by 11 g or 5.47% (p<0.001) and higher than in the III experimental group by 18 g or 9.28% (p<0.001). The breeding method had a greater influence on the reproductive performance of sows, and the insemination season had a greater influence on the growth intensity of piglets. The results of the two-factor statistical analysis made it possible to establish a reliable influence of the season of fertilization on the growth intensity of piglets, namely: with a force of 8.8% – on the indicator of absolute growth and with a force of 9.3% – on the indicator of relative growth. Also, a probable influence of the interaction of factors of the breeding method and the season of fertilization on the average daily growth of piglets at the level of 10.7% was revealed. At the same time, unaccounted factors caused changes in absolute growth by 80.8%, average daily growth by 82.2%, and relative growth by 84.8%. The degree of dependence of the multifertility index of sows on the breeding method was determined by 8.8% and by 15.7% on the interaction of the factors of the insemination season and the breeding method. It was also established that the survival of piglets during the studied period depended reliably on the influence of the breeding method – by 9.8%, the season of insemination of sows – by 10.2%, the interaction of the specified factors – by 9.6%, and unaccounted factors – by 70.5%.


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How to Cite
Mykhalko, O. H., & Andrukhova, Y. O. (2023). PRODUCTIVITY OF DANISH BREEDING PIGS UNDER DIFFERENT BREEDING METHODS AND INSEMINATION SEASON. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (4), 18-29.