At the current stage of the development of science and technology, the application of qualitatively new methods of controlling mechanical devices in technological processes in crop production is relevant. Scientists have solved a scientific and technical problem, which is important for increasing the efficiency of the use of machines as part of complexes in the production of plant products. A system of criteria for the evaluation of machine complexes has been developed, which cover the consumption of resources during the implementation of the technological process, the realization of the biological potential of plants, and indicators of the impact of the functioning of agricultural machinery on the environment. According to the results of simulation modeling of the functioning of machine units, the statistical characteristics of the specified criteria are determined. Analyzing the distribution of active agricultural enterprises of the highest level by the size of more than 10,000 hectares of land over the past 20 years, the trend of a significant increase in the number of farms of the highest level was in the period until 2013, after which there was a slight decline, but their number changed slightly. Such a qualitatively new method can be considered the logistics of technological processes of crop production separately by operations, with the possibility of taking into account many criteria that can affect the final result at higher-level enterprises. The purpose of the article is to achieve the rationality of the technological process, the essence of which is to take into account the possible downtime of the unit and at the same time prevent the excess of productivity of one of the links that perform the work in order. to avoid downtime or overloading of the remaining links of the integrated system. That is, the principle of flow of execution of a given technological process in a given time frame is used. The authors have developed a methodology for modeling the technological processes of growing agricultural crops using the example of applying the main dose of mineral fertilizers with their simultaneous application to the soil. Since this issue requires a complex and multifactorial approach, the developed solution method makes it possible to calculate the efficiency of aggregates in the «express» mode with as close consideration as possible of regulated downtimes of aggregates, breakdowns and meteorological conditions, to production conditions. The developed algorithm allows you to enter conditions for calculations and receive additional data, such as fuel consumption for each unit, labor costs, energy costs, costs of funds for the performance of work, which will make it possible to make reasonable and timely management and engineering decisions regarding the use of the machine-tractor fleet, facilitate work department of material and technical support.
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