Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 4 (58) (2024)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 3 (57) (2024)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 2 (56) (2024)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 1 (55) (2024)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 4 (54) (2023)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 3 (53) (2023)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 2 (52) (2023)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 1 (51) (2023)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 4 (50) (2022)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 3 (49) (2022)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 2(48) (2022)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 1(47) (2022)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 4 (46) (2021)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 3 (45) (2021)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 2 (44) (2021)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 1 (43) (2021)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 4 (42) (2020)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 3 (41) (2020)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 2 (40) (2020)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 1 (39) (2020)Вісник Сумського національного аграрного університету. Серія: Механізація та автоматизація виробничих процесівISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Дата заснування: 1996 р. (як одна із серій «Вісника Сумського національного аграрного університету», пізніше видання перереєстроване як окремий журнал).
Видавець: Сумський національний аграрний університет
Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію друкованого засобу масової інформації: КВ №23691-13531Р від 21.11.2018 р.
Періодичність: 4 рази на рік.
Мови видання: українська, англійська (змішаними мовами).
Фахова реєстрація у ВАК України (дата та номер постанови): серія «Механізація та автоматизація виробничих процесів» визнана фаховим виданням, Наказ МОН №1188 від 24.09.2020 року.
Проблематика видання: в науковому журналі «Вісник Сумського національного аграрного університету. Серія: Механізація та автоматизація виробничих процесів» публікуються рецензовані оригінальні наукові та огляди результатів експериментальних досліджень за напрямками агроінженерії, електроенергетики, електротехніки та електромеханіки, машинобудування, комп’ютерного моделювання та інші напрямки інженерії виробничих процесів.
Тематика: агроінженерія (агротехсервіс, машиновикористання в рослинництві, машиновикористання в тваринництві); галузеве машинобудування (машинобудування, матеріалознавство, проектування технічних систем); енергозбереження та безпека життєдіяльності; теоретичні питання інженерії; інженерні технології харчових виробництв.
Політика відкритого доступу: науковий журнал практикує політику негайного відкритого доступу до опублікованого змісту, підтримуючи принципи вільного поширення наукової інформації та глобального обміну знаннями задля загального суспільного прогресу.
Положення про авторські права та умови ліцензування: автори зберігають за собою всі авторські права і одночасно надають журналу право першої публікації, що дає змогу поширювати даний матеріал згідно з ліцензією Creative Commons Attribution Licens 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) із зазначенням авторства та первинної публікації в цьому журналі.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 4 (38) (2019)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 3(37) (2019)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.
Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes
No. 1-2(35-36) (2019)ISSN: 2708-4892, e-ISSN: 2708-4906
Publisher: Sumy National Agrarian University
Topics: agro-engineering (agrotechservice, machinery in crop production, machinery in animal husbandry); industry engineering (mechanical engineering, material science, design of technical systems); energy and life safety; theoretical issues of engineering; engineering food technology.